Methane production through anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic substrates, as renewable energy source, can offer a potential to replace energy produced from fossil fuels. However, the anaerobic degradation of lignocellulosic substrates can be limited by their compositional and structural features (i.e. the presence of lignin, the crystalline structure of cellulose and its accessible surface area…). Thus, various methods of pretreatment (physical, chemical and biological), originally investigated to bioethanol production, have been quite applied more recently in order to alter the structure of lignocellulosic substrates, facilitating their enzymatic hydrolysis during anaerobic digestion, and consequently enhancing their methane production. Nevertheless, the high variability of pretreatment conditions, methods and results, even when similar substrates are compared, suggest that no definite consensus on their effectiveness for the improvement of the anaerobic biodegradability of agrowastes and energy crops has yet been attained. Thus, this thesis aims: 1) to evaluate the effect of different pretreatment strategies (physical, chemical and biological) on chemical composition and methane production of two lignocellulosic substrates; 2) to evaluate the influence of sorghum varieties on the pretreatment efficiency, evaluated in terms of chemical composition, structural structure and anaerobic digestion performances; 3) to evaluate the applicability and implementation of the pretreatment step prior to a semi-continuous anaerobic digester. For this purpose, different pretreatment categories, such as mechanical, alkaline, thermal, biological (both with commercial enzymes and fungal extracts) and their combinations, were tested on esiled sorghum forage and wheat straw. Alkaline pretreatment was then performed on six sorghum varieties (one variety of biomass sorghum, two forage sorghum varieties and three varieties of sweet sorghum). Then the alkaline pretreatment of ensiled sorghum forage, found as the best pretreatment strategy for this substrate, was tested prior to a semi-continuous anaerobic digester. Results about the different pretreatment categories suggest that, both chemical and physical structure of ensiled sorghum forage was not influenced by the particle size reduction (between 2 and 0.25 mm). On the contrary, alkaline, thermal, thermo-alkaline, mechanical-alkaline, biological (i.e. enzymatic and fungal) and alkaline-biological pretreatments led to a solubilisation of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin for both ensiled sorghum forage and wheat straw, with more or less success. As for anaerobic digestion performances, the mechanical pretreatment did not enhanced methane potentials nor anaerobic digestion kinetics of ensiled sorghum forage, between 2 and 0.25 mm. By combining the mechanical and the alkaline pretreatment, an increase in both methane yield (20%) and kinetic constants (by 31%) was observed, due to the effect of the alkaline reagent (10 gNaOH/100gTS), but these results were not significantly influenced by the particle size reduction. Among alkaline, thermal and thermo-alkaline pretreatments, the best results in terms of methane production increase were observed by treating wheat straw at 40 and 100°C with 10 gNaOH/100gTS for 24 h (43% and 67%, respectively) and ensiled sorghum forage with the same conditions (29% and 32%, respectively). Biological pretreatments, performed with commercial enzymatic preparations (i.e. xylanase, endo and eso-glucanase) under anaerobic conditions, led to an increase of methane production of both substrates (15% and 55%, for sorghum and wheat straw, respectively). On the contrary, biological pretreatments performed with the enzymatic extract of one fungal strain, did not improve methane production. The combination of alkaline and biological pretreatment did not led to satisfactory results if compared to the sole alkaline pretreatment, for both substrates. Thus, according to previous results, sodium hydroxide pretreatment (10 gNaOH/100gTS, 40°C, 24 h), which was found as the best pretreatment strategy to treat ensiled sorghum forage, was chosen in order to evaluate its influence on six sorghum varieties. In the case of five varieties sorghum, different from ensiled sorghum forage, alkaline pretreatment had a positive effect in increasing anaerobic digestion kinetics (by 31%), but it did not affect methane production of untreated substrates. For this reason, ensiled sorghum forage was chosen to apply the alkaline pretreatment prior to a semi-continuous anaerobic reactor. Results showed that an alkaline pretreatment step, prior to the anaerobic digestion of ensiled sorghum forage, can have a benefit effect both in enhancing methane production (an increase of 25% on methane production was observed, if compared to that of untreated sorghum) and in giving more stability to the anaerobic digestion process.
La produzione di metano attraverso il processo di digestione anaerobica di substrati lignocellulosici (es. residui agricoli e colture energetiche) è in grado di offrire una valida alternativa alla produzione di energia da combustibili fossili. Tuttavia la biodegradabilità anaerobica e, di conseguenza, la potenziale produzione di biogas di questi substrati è in genere limitata da alcune loro componenti e caratteristiche strutturali (es. la struttura cristallina della cellulosa, la presenza di lignina, il grado di superficie accessibile all’attacco enzimatico...). Pertanto, in letteratura sono stati proposti vari metodi di pretrattamento, inizialmente applicati per la produzione di bioetanolo e più recentemente studiati al fine di alterare la struttura dei substrati lignocellulosici e favorirne la produzione di metano. Tuttavia, l'elevata variabilità delle condizioni di pretrattamento, dei metodi impiegati e dei risultati ottenuti, anche confrontando substrati simili, suggeriscono che un consenso definitivo sulla loro efficacia per il miglioramento della biodegradabilità anaerobica di residui agricoli e colture energetiche non è stato ancora raggiunto. In questo contesto, gli obiettivi pricipali della tesi sono stati: 1) valutare e comparare l'effetto di vari tipi di pretrattamento (meccanico, termico, alcalino, biologico), anche in combinazione tra loro, sulla composizione chimica e la produzione di metano di due substrati lignocellulosici (sorgo da foraggio insilato e paglia di frumento); 2) valutare l'influenza di sei varietà di sorgo (una varietà di sorgo da biomassa, due varietà di sorgo da foraggio e tre varietà di sorgo zuccherino) sull'efficacia del pretrattamento alcalino; 3) valutare l'applicabilità della fase di pretrattamento alcalino a monte di un processo di digestione anaerobica, monitorato mediante l’impiego di un reattore in continuo. I risultati dello studio suggeriscono che, il trattamento meccanico del sorgo da foraggio insilato non ha influito sulla struttura e composizione chimica della matrice, sminuzzata in particelle di dimensioni comprese tra 2 e 0.25 mm. Al contrario, i trattamenti alcalino, termico, termo-alcalino, alcalino-meccanico, biologico (sia con enzimi commerciali e ezimi estratti da funghi) e alcalino-biologico hanno consentito la solubilizzazione di cellulosa, emicellulosa e lignina sia per il sorgo da foraggio insilato e la paglia di grano. Per quanto riguarda i risultati ottenuti a seguito del processo di digestione anaerobica, il pretrattamento meccanico non ha consentito di incrementare la produzione di metano del sorgo da foraggio insilato, né di megliorarne le cinetiche di idrolisi, come suggerito dai risultati ottenuti sulla struttura fisico-chimica della matrice. Combinando il pretrattamento meccanico e alcalino, è stato osservato sia un aumento della produzione specifica di metano (20%) sia della cinetica di processo (del 31%), ma i risultati non sono stati influenzati dalla riduzione delle dimensioni delle particelle. I migliori risultati ottenuti in termini di aumento della produzione di metano sono stati osservati trattando la paglia di grano a 40°C e 100°C con 10 gNaOH/100gTS per 24 ore (43% e 67%, rispettivamente) e il sorgo foraggio insilato a 40°C a parità di dose di idrossido di sodio (32%). I pretrattamenti biologici, effettuati con preparati enzimatici commerciali (xilanasi, endo ed eso-glucanasi), hanno comportato un aumento della produzione di metano di entrambi i substrati (15% e 55%, per il sorgo e la paglia di frumento, rispettivamente). Al contrario, i pretrattamenti biologici effettuati con l’estratto enzimatico di un ceppo fungino, non hanno incrementato la produzione di metano delle matrici. La combinazione del pretrattamento alcalino-biologico non ha comportato risultati migliori in termini di incremento di metano rispetto al solo pretrattamento alcalino. Pertanto, secondo i risultati precedenti, il pretrattamento alcalino con idrossido di sodio (10 gNaOH/100gTS, 40 °C, 24 h), che si è dimostrata la migliore strategia di pretrattamento per trattare il sorgo da foraggio insilato, è stato scelto al fine di valutare la sua influenza su sei varietà di sorgo. Nel caso delle cinque varietà (una varietà di sorgo da biomassa, una varietà di sorgo da foraggio e tre varietà di sorgo zuccherino), differenti dal sorgo da foraggio insilato, il pretrattamento alcalino ha avuto un effetto positivo sulla cinetica di digestione anaerobica (31%), ma non ha incrementato la produzione di metano. Per questo motivo, il sorgo da foraggio insilato è stato scelto come substrato per verificare l’applicabilità del pretrattamento alcalino a monte di un reattore anaerobico operante in semi-continuo. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato che il trattamento alcalino può avere un effetto benefico sia sulla produzione di metano, con un aumento del 25% rispetto alla produzione di metano a partire da sorgo non trattato, sia sulla stabilità del processo di digestione anaerobica, garantita per tutta la durata della sperimentazione.
Physical, chemical and biological pretreatments to enhance biogas production from lignocellulosic substrates
Methane production through anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic substrates, as renewable energy source, can offer a potential to replace energy produced from fossil fuels. However, the anaerobic degradation of lignocellulosic substrates can be limited by their compositional and structural features (i.e. the presence of lignin, the crystalline structure of cellulose and its accessible surface area…). Thus, various methods of pretreatment (physical, chemical and biological), originally investigated to bioethanol production, have been quite applied more recently in order to alter the structure of lignocellulosic substrates, facilitating their enzymatic hydrolysis during anaerobic digestion, and consequently enhancing their methane production. Nevertheless, the high variability of pretreatment conditions, methods and results, even when similar substrates are compared, suggest that no definite consensus on their effectiveness for the improvement of the anaerobic biodegradability of agrowastes and energy crops has yet been attained. Thus, this thesis aims: 1) to evaluate the effect of different pretreatment strategies (physical, chemical and biological) on chemical composition and methane production of two lignocellulosic substrates; 2) to evaluate the influence of sorghum varieties on the pretreatment efficiency, evaluated in terms of chemical composition, structural structure and anaerobic digestion performances; 3) to evaluate the applicability and implementation of the pretreatment step prior to a semi-continuous anaerobic digester. For this purpose, different pretreatment categories, such as mechanical, alkaline, thermal, biological (both with commercial enzymes and fungal extracts) and their combinations, were tested on esiled sorghum forage and wheat straw. Alkaline pretreatment was then performed on six sorghum varieties (one variety of biomass sorghum, two forage sorghum varieties and three varieties of sweet sorghum). Then the alkaline pretreatment of ensiled sorghum forage, found as the best pretreatment strategy for this substrate, was tested prior to a semi-continuous anaerobic digester. Results about the different pretreatment categories suggest that, both chemical and physical structure of ensiled sorghum forage was not influenced by the particle size reduction (between 2 and 0.25 mm). On the contrary, alkaline, thermal, thermo-alkaline, mechanical-alkaline, biological (i.e. enzymatic and fungal) and alkaline-biological pretreatments led to a solubilisation of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin for both ensiled sorghum forage and wheat straw, with more or less success. As for anaerobic digestion performances, the mechanical pretreatment did not enhanced methane potentials nor anaerobic digestion kinetics of ensiled sorghum forage, between 2 and 0.25 mm. By combining the mechanical and the alkaline pretreatment, an increase in both methane yield (20%) and kinetic constants (by 31%) was observed, due to the effect of the alkaline reagent (10 gNaOH/100gTS), but these results were not significantly influenced by the particle size reduction. Among alkaline, thermal and thermo-alkaline pretreatments, the best results in terms of methane production increase were observed by treating wheat straw at 40 and 100°C with 10 gNaOH/100gTS for 24 h (43% and 67%, respectively) and ensiled sorghum forage with the same conditions (29% and 32%, respectively). Biological pretreatments, performed with commercial enzymatic preparations (i.e. xylanase, endo and eso-glucanase) under anaerobic conditions, led to an increase of methane production of both substrates (15% and 55%, for sorghum and wheat straw, respectively). On the contrary, biological pretreatments performed with the enzymatic extract of one fungal strain, did not improve methane production. The combination of alkaline and biological pretreatment did not led to satisfactory results if compared to the sole alkaline pretreatment, for both substrates. Thus, according to previous results, sodium hydroxide pretreatment (10 gNaOH/100gTS, 40°C, 24 h), which was found as the best pretreatment strategy to treat ensiled sorghum forage, was chosen in order to evaluate its influence on six sorghum varieties. In the case of five varieties sorghum, different from ensiled sorghum forage, alkaline pretreatment had a positive effect in increasing anaerobic digestion kinetics (by 31%), but it did not affect methane production of untreated substrates. For this reason, ensiled sorghum forage was chosen to apply the alkaline pretreatment prior to a semi-continuous anaerobic reactor. Results showed that an alkaline pretreatment step, prior to the anaerobic digestion of ensiled sorghum forage, can have a benefit effect both in enhancing methane production (an increase of 25% on methane production was observed, if compared to that of untreated sorghum) and in giving more stability to the anaerobic digestion process.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 20/02/2014
Descrizione: Testo della tesi
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