"Public spaces mirror the complexities of urban society" (Ali Madanipour) and in our contemporaneity become fluid places of exchange and participatory action, not just contexts, but scenarios that appropriate new meanings, helping to build the identity of new communities, channeling social innovations. The public space forgotten for years by industrial society is returned of primary importance due to the contemporary society based on services and consumption that turn it into a privileged place for marches. Under this layer of uniformity and conformity something moves in the opposite direction. The public space becomes a place of social innovation context in which creative communities act to create new solutions to everyday problems that the economic system and the society are no longer able to give. The bottom-up actions of these active groups of citizens who choose their answers is combined with top-down action of the institutions that can’t turn a blind eye to the obvious needs of the citizens fronts. This creates opportunities for social innovation, sustainable growth that modify the current pattern replacing the old individualistic values with a new sense of community, sharing, exchange of knowledge and information, mutual support. Reclaiming of public spaces is claimed the right to sociality in an inclusive way, opening roads, squares, the city itself on the free enjoyment of all and it happens when people take a full awareness of the rights and responsibilities which open horizons to endless opportunities However, there are hidden spaces, not because hidden from the public, but as they relate to historical memory and are no longer traced to contemporary places: is this the case of the Campus Durando, ex-factory Ceretti & Tanfani, retrained with the advent of Politecnico di Milano at the end of the 90's reducing that feeling of attachment and belonging to this site by local residents. How to reconnect these two parallel worlds that exist so close and at the same time are divided by a cultural barrier more than a real one? It would be possible to create a meeting point for the two communities, the academic and Bovisiana, to share interests and knowledge by creating micro-communities active in the space of the campus? The courses of Temporary Urban Solutions of the Design School concluded with events C’è Spazio per Tutti 2011 and 2012 and Coltivando, the community garden at the Politecnico di Milano, have tried to give an affirmative answer attempting to return the public to the public. This thesis project is trying to continue pushing in this direction by exploring opportunities, both internal to the university and local of Bovisa with the aim of creating a system able to reconnect using the potentialities of the campus urban space as a framework for innovation and incubator of social experiments to can lead to new dynamics and opportunities of dialogue. The design tool that adheres to this changing and fluid urban context is the event, which turns into a monthly appointment with activities and workshops. A palimpsest changeable and adaptable turns on different occasions suiting to the dynamics that have been establish over time. The design solution, which is defined as “il Sabto della Bovisa” toolbox, contains several elements which composed into the system provide the opportunity to open the campus once a month with an event by relying on both internal resources, such as the Polimi Desis Lab, the Department of Design, Polisocial, and on local communities, such as associations who want to collaborate in the initiative where the campus Durando becomes the background, context, open and permeable to the district The tools of strategic planning and service design, combined with event management can create a bridge between the university area and the neighborhood by defining a system of events that becomes an incubator for new synergies experiments with the aim of generating a new sense of belonging and strengthen the subtle relationship created in the last two years between the two communities.
“Public spaces mirror the complexities of urban society” (Ali Madanipour) e nella nostra contemporaneità diventano luoghi fluidi di scambio ed azione partecipata, non solo contesti, ma scenari che si appropriano di nuovi significati, contribuendo a costruire l’identità di nuove comunità, incanalando innovazioni sociali. Lo spazio pubblico dimenticato per anni dalla società industriale è tornato di primaria importanza con la società contemporanea basata su servizi e consumo che lo rendono luogo privilegiato per la merce. Sotto questo strato di uniformità e conformismo qualcosa si muove nella direzione opposta. Lo spazio pubblico diventa luogo di innovazione sociale, contesto nel quale agiscono le comunità creative per portare nuove soluzioni ai problemi quotidiani che il sistema economico e la società predominante non sono più in grado dare. Le azioni bottom-up di questi gruppi attivi di cittadini che scelgono le proprie risposte si combinano all’azione top-down delle istituzioni che non possono fingersi cieche di fronte ai bisogni dei cittadini. Si creano così opportunità di innovazione sociale, di crescita sostenibile che vanno a modificare i pattern correnti sostituendo ai vecchi valori individualistici un nuovo senso di comunità, di condivisione, di scambio di conoscenze e informazioni, di aiuto reciproco. Riappropriandosi del luogo pubblico si rivendica il diritto alla socialità in modo inclusivo, aprendo strade, piazze, la stessa città alla fruizione libera di tutti gli abitanti e ciò accade quando si acquisisce una piena consapevolezza dei diritti e delle responsabilità che aprono orizzonti ad infinite opportunità. Esistono però spazi nascosti, non perché celati al pubblico, ma in quanto legati alla memoria storica e non più ricondotti a luoghi della contemporaneità: è il caso del Campus Durando, ex fabbrica della Ceretti & Tanfani, riqualificata con l’avvento del Politecnico di Milano alla fine degli anni 90 diminuendo que senso di affezione e di appartenenza a questo luogo da parte degli abitanti del quartiere. Come riconnettere questi due mondi che esistono parallelamente così vicini e allo stesso tempo divisi da una barriera culturale più che reale? Sarebbe possibile creare un momento di incontro per le due comunità, quella accademica e quella Bovisiana, in cui condividere interessi, scambiarsi conoscenze, creando micro-comunità attive nel grande spazio del campus? I corsi di Temporary Urban Solutions della Scuola del Design terminati con gli eventi C’è Spazio per Tutti 2011 e 2012 e Coltivando, l’orto conviviale al Politecnico di Milano, hanno provato a dare risposta affermativa cercando di restituire il pubblico al pubblico. Questo progetto di tesi vuole continuare a spingere in questa direzione esplorando le opportunità, sia interne all’ateneo, sia locali del quartiere Bovisa con l’obbiettivo di creare un sistema in grado di riconnettere sfruttando le potenzialità dello spazio urbano del campus come contesto di innovazione e incubatore di esperimenti sociali creando nuove dinamiche e occasioni di dialogo. Lo strumento progettuale che aderisce al presente mutevole e fluido nel contesto urbano è l’evento, che si trasforma in appuntamento fisso con attività e laboratori. Un palinsesto mutevole e adattabile che si rinnova nelle diverse occasioni adattandosi alle dinamiche che si vanno ad instaurare nel corso del tempo. La soluzione progettuale, che viene definita toolbox de “il Sabato della Bovisa”, contiene diversi elementi che messi a sistemi danno l’opportunità di aprire il campus una volta al mese con un evento appoggiandosi sia su risorse interne, come il Polimi Desis Lab, il Dipartimento di Design, Polisocial, che su realtà locali, come associazioni, che vogliono collaborare all’iniziativa dove il campus Durando diventa sfondo, contesto aperto e permeabile al quartiere Gli strumenti progettuali di strategic e service design, combinati con management dell’evento riescono a creare un ponte tra lo spazio universitario e il quartiere definendo un sistema di eventi che diventa un incubatore di esperimenti di nuove sinergie con l’obbiettivo di generare un nuovo senso di appartenenza e consolidare il sottile rapporto creatosi negli ultimi due anni tra le due comunità.
Il sabato della Bovisa al Politecnico di Milano. Design di un sistema di eventi per ricreare il legame fisico e culturale tra la comunità accademica e il quartiere
"Public spaces mirror the complexities of urban society" (Ali Madanipour) and in our contemporaneity become fluid places of exchange and participatory action, not just contexts, but scenarios that appropriate new meanings, helping to build the identity of new communities, channeling social innovations. The public space forgotten for years by industrial society is returned of primary importance due to the contemporary society based on services and consumption that turn it into a privileged place for marches. Under this layer of uniformity and conformity something moves in the opposite direction. The public space becomes a place of social innovation context in which creative communities act to create new solutions to everyday problems that the economic system and the society are no longer able to give. The bottom-up actions of these active groups of citizens who choose their answers is combined with top-down action of the institutions that can’t turn a blind eye to the obvious needs of the citizens fronts. This creates opportunities for social innovation, sustainable growth that modify the current pattern replacing the old individualistic values with a new sense of community, sharing, exchange of knowledge and information, mutual support. Reclaiming of public spaces is claimed the right to sociality in an inclusive way, opening roads, squares, the city itself on the free enjoyment of all and it happens when people take a full awareness of the rights and responsibilities which open horizons to endless opportunities However, there are hidden spaces, not because hidden from the public, but as they relate to historical memory and are no longer traced to contemporary places: is this the case of the Campus Durando, ex-factory Ceretti & Tanfani, retrained with the advent of Politecnico di Milano at the end of the 90's reducing that feeling of attachment and belonging to this site by local residents. How to reconnect these two parallel worlds that exist so close and at the same time are divided by a cultural barrier more than a real one? It would be possible to create a meeting point for the two communities, the academic and Bovisiana, to share interests and knowledge by creating micro-communities active in the space of the campus? The courses of Temporary Urban Solutions of the Design School concluded with events C’è Spazio per Tutti 2011 and 2012 and Coltivando, the community garden at the Politecnico di Milano, have tried to give an affirmative answer attempting to return the public to the public. This thesis project is trying to continue pushing in this direction by exploring opportunities, both internal to the university and local of Bovisa with the aim of creating a system able to reconnect using the potentialities of the campus urban space as a framework for innovation and incubator of social experiments to can lead to new dynamics and opportunities of dialogue. The design tool that adheres to this changing and fluid urban context is the event, which turns into a monthly appointment with activities and workshops. A palimpsest changeable and adaptable turns on different occasions suiting to the dynamics that have been establish over time. The design solution, which is defined as “il Sabto della Bovisa” toolbox, contains several elements which composed into the system provide the opportunity to open the campus once a month with an event by relying on both internal resources, such as the Polimi Desis Lab, the Department of Design, Polisocial, and on local communities, such as associations who want to collaborate in the initiative where the campus Durando becomes the background, context, open and permeable to the district The tools of strategic planning and service design, combined with event management can create a bridge between the university area and the neighborhood by defining a system of events that becomes an incubator for new synergies experiments with the aim of generating a new sense of belonging and strengthen the subtle relationship created in the last two years between the two communities.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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