The constant search for e cient sustainable energy sources also triggered the development of new photovoltaic technologies. Solar cells employing organic semiconductors have been demonstrated roughly 30 years ago and since then their power conversion e ciency has signi cantly increased. Although the performances of Organic PhotoVoltaics (OPVs) approach the required 10% for their market introduction, their limited stability represents one of the challenges of this new technology. Commercial applications require device lifetimes of several years, which were only demonstrated on few laboratory devices. During operation, modules are exposed to long hours of solar illumination, from Ultra Violet radiation to Infra Reds, the latter inducing a raise in temperature that can potentially harm the devices. Meanwhile, the solar cells need to be protected from oxidizing agents that can penetrate from the atmosphere. This requires the use of packaging that can constitute a large part of the nal cost of the module. All these factors acting on the operating devices contribute to degradation. It is important to understand the nature of the degradation mechanisms taking place, in order to act against it, and prolong device lifetimes. We propose a systematic study on the stability of organic solar cells with an inverted architecture. This architecture employs the transparent electrode as electron extracting contact. This architecture proved to be highly stable in air, thus it represents an interesting approach for further lifetime testing. We prepared a large amount of samples employing a polymer:fullerene blend as active layer, and we aged them in di erent environments to observe their failure mechanisms. Since ambient atmosphere, temperature and light are the main stress factors for our devices, we investigated their independent e ect on a variety of cells employing di erent photo-active blends and top contact materials. This comparison allows us to investigate the origin of the degradation as well as to propose improvements towards better device stability.
Nelle ultime decadi, uno dei problemi su cui si è concentrata la ricerca scienti ca è quello della produzione energetica. ciò ha reso lo sfruttamento di fonti rinnovabili un punto di grande interesse socio-economico. Lo sviluppo di tecnologie per convertire l'energia solare in elettricità si è evoluto negli ultimi anni, passando da una prima generazione di pannelli fotovoltaici in Silicio cristallino, a una seconda, in cui si utilizzano Silicio amorfo e varie leghe, con cui si possono fabbricare pannelli sottili. In questi anni è stata introdotta una terza generazione di celle solari, tra cui quelle organiche. Questi dispositivi sono chiamati Organic PhotoVoltaics (OPV) e sfruttano materiali organici per la generazione di corrente. Si tratta di una tecnologia sviluppata circa 30 anni fa, che sta raggiungendo e cienze via via più elevate e promette costi di realizzazione molto ridotti. Un problema legato all'utilizzo di questi materiali organici risiede nella loro stabilità. Questi composti tendono infatti a essere sensibili alla radiazione solare, in particolare nella regione degli Ultra Violetti (UV), alle alte temperature, e all'ossigeno e l'umidità presenti nell'atmosfera. Seppure la penetrazione di agenti dall'atmosfera e di raggi UV può essere ridotta tramite l'utilizzo di apposite barriere, queste risultano tanto più costose quanto più devono schermare. È dunque evidente che bisogna comprendere quali sono i meccanismi che comportano la perdita delle funzionalità dei dispositivi, in modo da poter prendere azioni mirate per prolungarne la durabilità e raggiungere tempi di vita dei moduli che ne permettano la commercializzazione. A tal proposito, sempre più gruppi si sono interessati allo studio della stabilit à degli OPV, per caratterizzare la degradazione manifestata e individuarne le cause. Questo elaborato presenta un'indagine sistematica sulla stabilità di celle solari organiche con materiale attivo costituito dalla miscela di un polimero con un derivato del fullerene. Numerosi campioni sono stati preparati e invecchiati in diverse condizioni, per poter analizzare gli e etti provenienti dai singoli fattori di stress. In particolare, si sono studiati i danni causati dall'aria, dall'alta temperatura, e dalla luce.
Systematic study on the lifetime of inverted polymer : fullerene solar cells
The constant search for e cient sustainable energy sources also triggered the development of new photovoltaic technologies. Solar cells employing organic semiconductors have been demonstrated roughly 30 years ago and since then their power conversion e ciency has signi cantly increased. Although the performances of Organic PhotoVoltaics (OPVs) approach the required 10% for their market introduction, their limited stability represents one of the challenges of this new technology. Commercial applications require device lifetimes of several years, which were only demonstrated on few laboratory devices. During operation, modules are exposed to long hours of solar illumination, from Ultra Violet radiation to Infra Reds, the latter inducing a raise in temperature that can potentially harm the devices. Meanwhile, the solar cells need to be protected from oxidizing agents that can penetrate from the atmosphere. This requires the use of packaging that can constitute a large part of the nal cost of the module. All these factors acting on the operating devices contribute to degradation. It is important to understand the nature of the degradation mechanisms taking place, in order to act against it, and prolong device lifetimes. We propose a systematic study on the stability of organic solar cells with an inverted architecture. This architecture employs the transparent electrode as electron extracting contact. This architecture proved to be highly stable in air, thus it represents an interesting approach for further lifetime testing. We prepared a large amount of samples employing a polymer:fullerene blend as active layer, and we aged them in di erent environments to observe their failure mechanisms. Since ambient atmosphere, temperature and light are the main stress factors for our devices, we investigated their independent e ect on a variety of cells employing di erent photo-active blends and top contact materials. This comparison allows us to investigate the origin of the degradation as well as to propose improvements towards better device stability.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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