The current global context, has given rise to competition between territories and it is in this context of continuous territorial revival, that the exceptional nature of an event like a universal Exposition becomes a unique and unrepeatable opportunity to initiate a process of innovation and qualitative improvement of the socio-economic and geographical area concerned. The basic idea is to use the event as an opportunity to improve a series of projects of redevelopment of the area, in a development perspective that looks beyond the period of execution of the same. There are several and significant international experience of success that demonstrate the importance and potential of collaboration between the great events and the territory. The emphasis on the theme of the great events might suggest that they always produce only positive effects, the empirical analysis demonstrates that in addition to some successful cases universally recognized, there are cases of events that have produced contradictory consequences, and in some cases decidedly negative. Through the analysis of some significant cases we demonstrate how the organization of an exhibition can actually lead to a revival of the host city, but also put highlights the risks that may result from the organization of such events. The cases we will examine, infact, have shown that the great event has played a driving role in the implementation of a plan of development through the implementation of urban regeneration programs aimed mainly to the recovery of abandoned industrial areas or areas under high physical degradation located in peripheral areas of the city. The recent urban history, infact, shows that the changes in physical, economic and image are linked increasingly to the realization of major events and the new town postmodern entrusts its notoriety to its ability to produce events. Infact, it tends to make itself an event. It is clear that the culture of design and planning allow the formation of a unitary body and staff of tools that can jointly support urban planning, environment and landscape. In anticipation of the Universal "Expo" that the city of Milan will host in 2015, the text explores the possible scenarios that lie ahead for the post-event through critical analysis of the proposals so far advanced and the various Expo which over the years have followed. In order to produce a solution consistent with the legacy of the event and compatible with the needs of the territory, Chapter 1 analyzes the new poles of attraction under the Plan Government of the Territory including, of course, the area in the project. In CHAPTER 2 is addressed to the analysis of the previous historical stages before arriving at Expo CHAPTER 3 which traces the path that led to the Registration Dossier of 2010, analyzing the projects presented and the rules drawn up for the event, with attention to the timing of implementation and concludes with a critical analysis of policies and projects. In Chapter 4, we analyze the current state of the area and the various transformations that will lead us up to the date of 1.11.2015: a sort of year zero for the future of the Expo area. The CHAPTER 5 and 6, finally, deal specifically with the central theme of our study, or calling "La Milano che verrà” with the analysis of the various scenarios and the design response that we want to give.
L’attuale contesto globale, ha dato vita alla competizione tra i territori ed è in quest’ottica di continuo rilancio territoriale, che l’eccezionalità di un evento come un’esposizione universale diventa un’occasione unica ed irripetibile per avviare un processo di innovazione e miglioramento qualitativo del tessuto socio-economico e territoriale dell’area interessata. L’idea fondamentale è quella di utilizzare l’evento come opportunità per dare impulso a tutta la serie di progetti di riqualificazione del territorio, in una prospettiva di sviluppo che guarda oltre il periodo di svolgimento dello stesso. Ormai sono numerose e significative le esperienze internazionali di successo che testimoniano l’importanza e le potenzialità della collaborazione tra i grandi eventi e il territorio. L’enfasi posta sulla tematica dei grandi eventi potrebbe far pensare che essi producano sempre e soltanto effetti positivi; l’analisi empirica dimostra che accanto ad alcuni casi di successo universalmente riconosciuti, esistono casi di eventi che hanno prodotto conseguenze contraddittorie, ed in alcuni casi decisamente negative. Attraverso l’analisi di alcuni casi ritenuti di significativa importanza dimostreremo come l’organizzazione di un’esposizione possa effettivamente portare ad un rilancio della città ospitante, ma anche mettere in evidenzia i rischi che possono derivare dall’organizzazione di tali manifestazioni. I casi che esamineremo, infatti, hanno mostrato come il grande evento abbia giocato un ruolo propulsivo nell’attuazione di un disegno di sviluppo grazie all’attuazione di programmi di rigenerazione urbana finalizzati soprattutto al recupero di aree industriali dimesse o aree urbane in condizioni di elevato degrado fisico localizzate in zone periferiche della città. La recente storia urbana, infatti, mostra che le trasformazioni fisiche, economiche e di immagine si legano sempre più spesso alla realizzazione di grandi eventi e la città nuova postmoderna affida la propria notorietà anche alla sua capacità di produrre eventi. Infatti essa tende a fare di sè stessa un evento. È evidente che la cultura della progettazione e della pianificazione permettano la formazione di un corpo unitario e organico di strumenti in grado di sostenere congiuntamente urbanistica, ambiente e paesaggio. In previsione dell’esposizione universale “Expo” che la città di Milano ospiterà nel 2015, il testo indaga i possibili scenari che si prospettano per il post-evento attraverso l’analisi critica delle proposte fin qui avanzate e dei vari Expo che negli anni si sono susseguiti. Al fine di produrre una soluzione coerente con il lascito dell’evento e compatibile con le esigenze del territorio, il CAPITOLO 1 analizza i nuovi poli attrattivi previsti dal Piano di Governo del Territorio tra cui, appunto, l’area in progetto. Nel CAPITOLO 2 viene affrontata l’analisi per tappe storiche dei precedenti Expo per poi arrivare al CAPITOLO 3 che ripercorre il percorso che ha portato al Dossier di registrazione del 2010, analizzando i progetti presentati e le relative norme redatte per la realizzazione dell’evento, con attenzione alla tempistica di attuazione e si conclude con un’analisi critica delle norme e dei progetti. Nel CAPITOLO 4 si analizza lo stato attuale dell’area e le varie trasformazioni che ci porteranno fino alla data del 1.11.2015: termine della manifestazione, una sorta di anno zero per il futuro dell’area Expo. Il CAPITOLO 5 e 6, infine, trattano nello specifico il tema centrale del nostro studio, ovvero la “Milano che verrà” con l’analisi dei vari scenari e la risposta progettuale che vogliamo dare in merito al tema da noi proposto.
Expo dopo Expo. La Milano che verrà, possibili scenari per il dopo Expo 2015
The current global context, has given rise to competition between territories and it is in this context of continuous territorial revival, that the exceptional nature of an event like a universal Exposition becomes a unique and unrepeatable opportunity to initiate a process of innovation and qualitative improvement of the socio-economic and geographical area concerned. The basic idea is to use the event as an opportunity to improve a series of projects of redevelopment of the area, in a development perspective that looks beyond the period of execution of the same. There are several and significant international experience of success that demonstrate the importance and potential of collaboration between the great events and the territory. The emphasis on the theme of the great events might suggest that they always produce only positive effects, the empirical analysis demonstrates that in addition to some successful cases universally recognized, there are cases of events that have produced contradictory consequences, and in some cases decidedly negative. Through the analysis of some significant cases we demonstrate how the organization of an exhibition can actually lead to a revival of the host city, but also put highlights the risks that may result from the organization of such events. The cases we will examine, infact, have shown that the great event has played a driving role in the implementation of a plan of development through the implementation of urban regeneration programs aimed mainly to the recovery of abandoned industrial areas or areas under high physical degradation located in peripheral areas of the city. The recent urban history, infact, shows that the changes in physical, economic and image are linked increasingly to the realization of major events and the new town postmodern entrusts its notoriety to its ability to produce events. Infact, it tends to make itself an event. It is clear that the culture of design and planning allow the formation of a unitary body and staff of tools that can jointly support urban planning, environment and landscape. In anticipation of the Universal "Expo" that the city of Milan will host in 2015, the text explores the possible scenarios that lie ahead for the post-event through critical analysis of the proposals so far advanced and the various Expo which over the years have followed. In order to produce a solution consistent with the legacy of the event and compatible with the needs of the territory, Chapter 1 analyzes the new poles of attraction under the Plan Government of the Territory including, of course, the area in the project. In CHAPTER 2 is addressed to the analysis of the previous historical stages before arriving at Expo CHAPTER 3 which traces the path that led to the Registration Dossier of 2010, analyzing the projects presented and the rules drawn up for the event, with attention to the timing of implementation and concludes with a critical analysis of policies and projects. In Chapter 4, we analyze the current state of the area and the various transformations that will lead us up to the date of 1.11.2015: a sort of year zero for the future of the Expo area. The CHAPTER 5 and 6, finally, deal specifically with the central theme of our study, or calling "La Milano che verrà” with the analysis of the various scenarios and the design response that we want to give.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 10/07/2014
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