In this Thesis a study of low energy excitations in three Cerium intermetallics by means of soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) and Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) is presented. Measurements were performed at beamline ID08 of the ESRF. Rare Earths materials are peculiar because the partially filled 4f shell is well localized at the atomic site but lies close to the Fermi level. The 4f electronic structure of Rare Earth atoms is dominated by Spin-Orbit coupling (SO), and in Cerium, having one 4f electron, the split is into the two states 2F5/2 and 2F7/2. In addition, the interaction with the Crystal Field generated by the surrounding charges produces a further splitting of the (2j+1)-fold degeneracy because of a lowering of symmetry. Aim of this work is to analyze the excitations involving two f levels, so-called ff excitations. The levels can have a different total momentum J (SO excitations) or share the same J (CF excitations). From XAS we measured a different valence in the three samples Nd1.84Ce0.16CuO4, CeRu2P2 and CeCu2Si2: 4+, 3+ and mixed, respectively. Moreover, differences between Fluorescence Yield and Auger Electron Yield are discussed. X-ray Linear Dichroism is small, thus Crystal Field effects are small. Scattering measurements in resonance with M5 edge from Ce4+ sample show only the elastic line, as expected because no excitations shall take place in the empty 4f shell. In addition, a fluorescence feature in RIXS spectra is observed at higher energy. On the other hand, scattering from Ce3+ reveals an inelastic feature ascribable to SO excitation. CF excitations are not well resolved, nevertheless the broadening of inelastic features much larger than the spectrometer resolution suggests a CF substructure. Measurements on the M4 edge show in addition a high energy loss due to Coster-Kronig conversion. This work is a first measure by RIXS of the SO splitting in Ce, 300 meV, in agreement with ARPES measurements. Even if the resolution was not sufficient for CF excitations, there is a good fitting with calculations performed with parameters obtained by neutron scattering. This is promising in sight of the forthcoming costruction of a new high resolution spectrometer.
In questa Tesi è presentato uno studio di eccitazioni di bassa energia in tre composti intermetallici di Cerio per mezzo di Assorbimento di raggi X (XAS) e di Scattering anelastico risonante (RIXS). Le misure sono state eseguite presso la beamline ID08 di ESRF. I composti di Terre Rare sono interessanti perché la shell 4f incompleta è ben localizzata nel proprio sito atomico, ma si trova vicina in energia al livello di Fermi. La struttura elettronica 4f delle Terre Rare è dominata dall'accoppiamento Spin-Orbita (SO), e nel Cerio, avente un elettrone 4f, si ha uno split nei due stati 2F5/2 e 2F7/2. In aggiunta, l'interazione col Campo Cristallino (Crystal Field, CF) generato dalle cariche circostanti produce un'ulteriore separazione della degenerazione (2j+1) a causa di un abbassamento di simmetria. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è analizzare le eccitazioni tra due livelli f, dette eccitazioni ff. I livelli possono avere lo stesso momento totale J (eccitazioni di SO) o un J diverso (eccitazioni di CF). Da misure XAS si osserva una diversa valenza nei tre campioni Nd1.84Ce0.16CuO4, CeRu2P2 e CeCu2Si2: rispettivamente 4+, 3+ e mista. Differenze tra segnale di fluorescenza e di elettroni Auger vengono discusse. Il Dicroismo lineare è piccolo, per cui effetti di CF saranno piccoli. Le misure RIXS sull'edge M5 del Cerio nel campione con Ce4+ mostrano solo il picco elastico, come ci si aspetta trattandosi di una shell 4f vuota. E' inoltre osservata una struttura di fluorescenza a più alte energie. Nel campioni aventi Ce3+, invece, si osserva una struttura dovuta allo SO. Eccitazioni di CF non sono risolte, tuttavia l'allargamento della componente anelastica molto maggiore della risoluzione dello spettrometro è un buon indizio di una sottostruttura CF. Misure sull'edge M4 mostrano poi, in aggiunta, una conversione Coster-Kronig a più alte energie. Questa è una prima misura tramite RIXS della separazione SO nel Ce, 300 meV, in accordo con misure ARPES. Nonostante la risoluzione non sufficiente per le eccitazioni CF, si ha un buon fit delle misure con simulazioni i cui parametri sono ottenuti da misure con neutroni. Questo è un risultato promettente nell'ottica della prossima costruzione di un nuovo spettrometro ad alta risoluzione.
Spin orbit and crystal field excitations in Cerium compounds probed by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
In this Thesis a study of low energy excitations in three Cerium intermetallics by means of soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) and Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) is presented. Measurements were performed at beamline ID08 of the ESRF. Rare Earths materials are peculiar because the partially filled 4f shell is well localized at the atomic site but lies close to the Fermi level. The 4f electronic structure of Rare Earth atoms is dominated by Spin-Orbit coupling (SO), and in Cerium, having one 4f electron, the split is into the two states 2F5/2 and 2F7/2. In addition, the interaction with the Crystal Field generated by the surrounding charges produces a further splitting of the (2j+1)-fold degeneracy because of a lowering of symmetry. Aim of this work is to analyze the excitations involving two f levels, so-called ff excitations. The levels can have a different total momentum J (SO excitations) or share the same J (CF excitations). From XAS we measured a different valence in the three samples Nd1.84Ce0.16CuO4, CeRu2P2 and CeCu2Si2: 4+, 3+ and mixed, respectively. Moreover, differences between Fluorescence Yield and Auger Electron Yield are discussed. X-ray Linear Dichroism is small, thus Crystal Field effects are small. Scattering measurements in resonance with M5 edge from Ce4+ sample show only the elastic line, as expected because no excitations shall take place in the empty 4f shell. In addition, a fluorescence feature in RIXS spectra is observed at higher energy. On the other hand, scattering from Ce3+ reveals an inelastic feature ascribable to SO excitation. CF excitations are not well resolved, nevertheless the broadening of inelastic features much larger than the spectrometer resolution suggests a CF substructure. Measurements on the M4 edge show in addition a high energy loss due to Coster-Kronig conversion. This work is a first measure by RIXS of the SO splitting in Ce, 300 meV, in agreement with ARPES measurements. Even if the resolution was not sufficient for CF excitations, there is a good fitting with calculations performed with parameters obtained by neutron scattering. This is promising in sight of the forthcoming costruction of a new high resolution spectrometer.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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