Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the major causes of death and premature disability in developed societies. It is caused by atherosclerotic lesions that reduce arterial lumen size through plaque formation and arterial thickening, decreasing blood flow to the heart and frequently leading to severe complications like myocardial infarction or angina pectoris. Percutaneous coronary intervention, which consists in balloon angioplasty usually followed by stenting, is the most commonly performed procedure for the treatment of CHD. This procedure is still associated to serious clinical complications such as in-stent restenosis (ISR), which is the reduction of the lumen size as a result of neointimal hyperplasia (NH), an excessive growth of tissue inside the stented vessel. The mechanisms and the causes of ISR are not fully understood. In addition to vascular injury caused by device implantation and foreign-body reactions, hemodynamic alterations induced by the stent presence can be associated with NH. Therefore, the study of the fluid dynamics of stented coronary arteries is of extreme importance for a better comprehension of the mechanisms involved in ISR. In this context, the present thesis is focused on the numerical modeling of hemodynamics in stented coronary artery geometries. Indeed, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) allows the investigation of local hemodynamics at a level of detail not always accessible with experimental techniques, calculating fluid flow variables (e.g. wall shear stress – WSS) that can be used as indicators to predict sites where NH is excessive. The thesis is characterized by three main topics: (1) The study of the effect of wall compliance of stented coronary artery models on hemodynamic quantities. The results of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) models of a straight stented coronary artery were compared to the corresponding rigid-wall models, indicating that the rigid-wall assumption for fluid dynamic simulations is adequate when the aim of the work is the study of near-wall quantities. (2) The comparison, from the fluid dynamic perspective, of different stenting procedures for the treatment of bifurcation lesions. Rigid-wall fluid dynamic simulations were performed on idealized stented coronary bifurcation models. A hybrid meshing strategy, which uses both tetrahedral and hexahedral elements, was applied for the creation of the meshes in order to reduce the computational costs. Firstly, final kissing balloon (FKB) inflation within provisional side branch (PSB) approach, which nowadays is the preferred bifurcation stenting strategy, was investigated. Secondly, the different hemodynamic scenarios provoked by PSB performed with a proximal or a distal access to the SB were compared. Lastly, the double stenting culotte technique was studied, comparing the behavior of a conventional stent with the dedicated stent Tryton (Tryton Medical Inc.). (3) The study of the hemodynamics of image-based stented coronaries. Two cases of pathologic left anterior descending coronary arteries with their bifurcations reconstructed from computed tomography angiography and angiography were studied, calculating both near-wall and bulk flow quantities. Moreover, reconstruction methods of in vitro and in vivo stented coronary models for CFD simulations were developed starting from optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. OCT is a promising tool to reconstruct 3D geometries, due to its high spatial resolution and the possibility to detect both the stent and the vessel. In conclusion, the results of CFD simulations are very useful for studying the ISR phenomenon and comparing different stenting techniques. However, they should be integrated with other modeling information as ISR is not driven only by hemodynamic factors. Structural simulations of stent deployment for the calculation of the stress state in the arterial wall and in the stent, and mass transport simulations accounting for the drug release should be considered as well.
Le patologie delle arterie coronariche rappresentano una delle principali cause di morte prematura e di invalidità precoce nei Paesi sviluppati. Sono causate da lesioni infiltrate di lipidi - placche aterosclerotiche - che si sviluppano nella parete dei vasi coronarici, riducendone il lume e determinando un ridotto apporto di sangue al cuore con conseguenti gravi complicazioni quali infarto cardiaco o angina pectoris. L’angioplastica coronarica con impianto di stent è la procedura più comunemente eseguita per il trattamento delle lesioni aterosclerotiche delle coronarie. Questo trattamento è ancora oggi associato a gravi complicazioni cliniche come la restenosi, ovvero la riocclusione parziale o totale del lume del vaso nel periodo successivo all’impianto in seguito a iperplasia della neointima. I meccanismi e le cause della restenosi non sono stati ancora completamente spiegati. Si ritiene che la riocclusione dell’arteria possa essere provocata, oltre che dal danno alle pareti determinato dall’impianto del dispositivo e dalla reazione da corpo-estraneo, dalle alterazione emodinamiche indotte dalla presenza dello stent. Di conseguenza, lo studio della fluidodinamica delle arterie coronariche in presenza di stent è di estrema importanza per una migliore comprensione dei meccanismi delle restenosi. Il lavoro di tesi qui riassunto si inserisce in questo ambito ed è incentrato sulla modellazione numerica della fluidodinamica in arterie coronariche con stent. Infatti, la fluidodinamica computazionale consente lo studio dell’emodinamica locale a un livello di dettaglio non sempre accessibile con le tecniche sperimentali, calcolando grandezze fluidodinamiche, come lo sforzo di taglio in parete (“wall shear stress” – WSS), che possono essere usate per predire i siti di restenosi. La tesi è caratterizzata da tre principali argomenti: (1) Lo studio degli effetti della compliance della parete coronarica in presenza di stent sulle grandezze emodinamiche. I risultati di modelli fluido-struttura di un’arteria rettilinea con stent sono stati confrontati con i corrispondenti modelli a parete rigida. Dallo studio è emerso che l’assunzione di parete rigida per le simulazioni fluidodinamiche è adeguata quando lo scopo del lavoro è il calcolo delle grandezze emodinamiche di parete, come i WSS. (2) Il confronto, dal punto di vista della fluidodinamica, di differenti procedure di stenting per il trattamento di lesioni alle biforcazioni coronariche. Simulazioni a parete rigida sono state effettuate su modelli idealizzati di biforcazioni coronariche con stent. Un metodo di discretizzazione ibrido, che impiega sia elementi tetraedrici che esaedrici, è stato sviluppato al fine di ridurre il costo computazionale. I seguenti lavori sono stati condotti: studio della procedura “final kissing balloon” (FKB) a conclusione della tecnica di stenting “provisional side branch” (PSB), che attualmente è la procedura maggiormente eseguita per il trattamento delle lesioni alle biforcazioni; confronto dei differenti scenari determinati dalla PSB eseguita con accesso prossimale o distale al ramo secondario; studio della tecnica a due stent “culotte”, confrontando l’uso di stent convenzionali o dedicati alle biforcazioni. (3) Lo studio dell’emodinamica di arterie coronariche con stent ricostruite a partire da immagini di pazienti. Due casi di arterie coronariche discendenti anteriori sinistre ricostruite da tomografia computerizzata angiografica e angiografica convenzionale sono stati investigati, calcolando le grandezze emodinamiche sia di parete sia di massa. Inoltre, sono stati sviluppati dei metodi di ricostruzione di modelli di arterie coronariche con stent in vivo ed in vitro a partire da immagini di tomografia a coerenza ottica (“optical coherence tomography” - OCT). L’OCT rappresenta un promettente strumento per la ricostruzione di geometrie tridimensionali grazie all’alta risoluzione spaziale e alla possibilità di individuare sia il vaso che il stent. In conclusione, i risultati delle simulazioni fluidodinamiche sono molto utili per studiare il fenomeno della restenosi nelle arterie coronariche e per confrontare differenti tipi di tecniche di stenting. Tuttavia, questi risultati dovrebbero essere integrati con altre informazioni, quali gli sforzi nella parete arteriosa e nel dispositivo, ed il trasporto di farmaco, poiché la restenosi non è un fenomeno associabile esclusivamente a fattori emodinamici.
Numerical modeling of hemodynamics in stented coronary arteries
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the major causes of death and premature disability in developed societies. It is caused by atherosclerotic lesions that reduce arterial lumen size through plaque formation and arterial thickening, decreasing blood flow to the heart and frequently leading to severe complications like myocardial infarction or angina pectoris. Percutaneous coronary intervention, which consists in balloon angioplasty usually followed by stenting, is the most commonly performed procedure for the treatment of CHD. This procedure is still associated to serious clinical complications such as in-stent restenosis (ISR), which is the reduction of the lumen size as a result of neointimal hyperplasia (NH), an excessive growth of tissue inside the stented vessel. The mechanisms and the causes of ISR are not fully understood. In addition to vascular injury caused by device implantation and foreign-body reactions, hemodynamic alterations induced by the stent presence can be associated with NH. Therefore, the study of the fluid dynamics of stented coronary arteries is of extreme importance for a better comprehension of the mechanisms involved in ISR. In this context, the present thesis is focused on the numerical modeling of hemodynamics in stented coronary artery geometries. Indeed, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) allows the investigation of local hemodynamics at a level of detail not always accessible with experimental techniques, calculating fluid flow variables (e.g. wall shear stress – WSS) that can be used as indicators to predict sites where NH is excessive. The thesis is characterized by three main topics: (1) The study of the effect of wall compliance of stented coronary artery models on hemodynamic quantities. The results of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) models of a straight stented coronary artery were compared to the corresponding rigid-wall models, indicating that the rigid-wall assumption for fluid dynamic simulations is adequate when the aim of the work is the study of near-wall quantities. (2) The comparison, from the fluid dynamic perspective, of different stenting procedures for the treatment of bifurcation lesions. Rigid-wall fluid dynamic simulations were performed on idealized stented coronary bifurcation models. A hybrid meshing strategy, which uses both tetrahedral and hexahedral elements, was applied for the creation of the meshes in order to reduce the computational costs. Firstly, final kissing balloon (FKB) inflation within provisional side branch (PSB) approach, which nowadays is the preferred bifurcation stenting strategy, was investigated. Secondly, the different hemodynamic scenarios provoked by PSB performed with a proximal or a distal access to the SB were compared. Lastly, the double stenting culotte technique was studied, comparing the behavior of a conventional stent with the dedicated stent Tryton (Tryton Medical Inc.). (3) The study of the hemodynamics of image-based stented coronaries. Two cases of pathologic left anterior descending coronary arteries with their bifurcations reconstructed from computed tomography angiography and angiography were studied, calculating both near-wall and bulk flow quantities. Moreover, reconstruction methods of in vitro and in vivo stented coronary models for CFD simulations were developed starting from optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. OCT is a promising tool to reconstruct 3D geometries, due to its high spatial resolution and the possibility to detect both the stent and the vessel. In conclusion, the results of CFD simulations are very useful for studying the ISR phenomenon and comparing different stenting techniques. However, they should be integrated with other modeling information as ISR is not driven only by hemodynamic factors. Structural simulations of stent deployment for the calculation of the stress state in the arterial wall and in the stent, and mass transport simulations accounting for the drug release should be considered as well.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 19/02/2015
Descrizione: Testo della tesi
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