Though photovoltaic market is leaded by silicon technology, due to the high cells efficiency and long-term stability, the good performance attained by the organic solar cells has open to new opportunities for the production of light, low-cost and possibly flexible devices to be implemented in many daily use items. In this framework, novel phenoquinone oligomers have been designed and synthesized for their possible use as third component in bulk-heterojunction solar cells. These phenoquinones demonstrate peculiar electronic features: by a combined experimental (NMR, UV-vis, Raman and Resonant Raman) and theoretical study, an unexpected turning of the quinoidal into a biradicaloid character by increasing the molecular length of a homologous series of thiophene-based quinoidal species has been observed To better highlight the relationship between the effective conjugation over the molecular backbone and the biradicaloid character, heterophenoquinones with the bithienylene core replaced with different linear or condensed polycyclic rings have been also synthesized. The investigation of these new material has shown that naphthalene and thienothiophene as central structures lead to an electronic character which is intermediate to quinoidal and biradical, whereas the biradicaloid structure is favored when longer condensed rings and oligoaryls are introduced. Derivatives containing fluorene and homologous species, which were expected to reflect the same exhibit a quinoidal character due to their limited conjugation have not been deeply investigated due to their poor stability. Moreover, the introduction of donor substituents on the 3,3’ positions in the central core of the biradicaloid material of reference, namely 5,5’-bis-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-oxo-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1-ylidene)-2,2’-dihydroxy bithiophene (QBT) turned into a stabilization of the quinoidal ground state structure without affecting the effective conjugation. This represents a new insight into the general class of thiophene-based quinoidal molecules, where only the dependence of the biradicaloid structure on the effective conjugation length (e.g Egap) has been so far reported, and gives the relevant opportunity of a separate control of the electronic character of the ground state over the optical bandgap. On the basis of these results, the influence of withdrawing substituents on the electronic structure has been also investigated. Heteroquaterphenoquinones bearing acetal and carboxylic acid in the central core are characterized by the same Raman fingerprint of the unsubstituted one, leading to the hypothesis that the introduction of electron acceptor groups stabilizes the biradicaloid character. Surprisingly, preliminary results have highlighted that the introduction of electron active substituents on the lateral phenones has an opposite influence on the overall peculiar electronic behavior of these materials, compared to the introduction of electron donor/withdrawing groups on the central core. Therefore, it has been demonstrated that electronic character of heterophenoquinones is affected not only by the nature of electron active substituents, but also by the position of the molecular backbone they are linked to. Considering the peculiar intense light absorption red shifted of these quinoidal species with respect to the state of the art binary P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction composite, they have been studied as a third component for the development of organic solar cells. An increase in efficiency (PCE) around 47%, by adding only, 0.6%, of 5,5’-bis-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-oxo-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1-ylidene)-2,2’-dihydroxy bithiophene (QBT), has been actually gained, while a further addition is detrimental for the device performances. Ternary mixtures with different ratio between components have been characterized by means of UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, ultrafast UV-vis transmittance spectroscopy, AFM, and differential scanning calorimetry to investigate the origin of this enhanced efficiency. A significant better harvesting of red light, to extend the light harvesting of the P3HT:PCBM system has been ruled out due to the small amount of the quinoidal species, whereas an effect of the third component on P3HT supra-organization and blend morphology has been demonstrated. Keeping fixed the relative content of P3HT:PCBM:Quinones which gave the best efficiency enhancement, some other quinoidal materials among the series synthesized have been tested: it was found that the majority among biradicaloid structures show better performances, with an enhancement both of Fill Factor and PCE, while the introduction of quinoidal structures turns into a worsening of P3HT:PCBM efficiency. The proximity between the LUMO levels of the biradicaloid species and the fullerene derivative, enables an interaction between the two components through a spin-flip mechanism, which should prevent the recombination of polaron pairs (PP) at the donor-acceptor domain interfaces. This finding is worthy to remark, as definitely demonstrates that the role of the quinones is not limited to a morphology improvement of non-optimal P3HT-PCBM microstructures, but their peculiar biradicaloid character actually takes part in exciton dissociation.
Sebbene il mercato del fotovoltaico sia dominato dalla tecnologia a base di silicio, per le elevate efficienze e la stabilità a lungo termine, le buone performance raggiunte dalle celle solari organiche offrono nuove opportunità di sviluppo di dispositivi leggeri, a basso costo e potenzialmente flessibili da integrare in oggetti utilizzabili nella vita di tutti i giorni. In questo contesto, è stata sviluppata e sintetizzata una nuova classe di oligomeri a base fenochinonica da utilizzare come terza componente in celle solari organiche a eterogiunzione dispersa. Combinando studi teorici e caratterizzazione spettroscopica (NMR, UV-vis, Raman), è stato possibile osservare come, in una serie di molecole chinoidi a base tiofenica, il carattere chinoide mutasse in un carattere biradicaloide all’aumentare della lunghezza di coniugazione. Per meglio comprendere la relazione che sussiste tra la coniugazione lungo lo scheletro della molecola e l'effettivo carattere biradicaloide, è stata sintetizzata una nuova famiglia di molecole eterofenochinoniche in cui la struttura a base tiofenica è stata sostituita da differenti anelli aromatici sia lineari che condensati. Lo studio di questi nuovi materiali ha mostrato un analogo comportamento, con un carattere biradicaloide che si stabilizza nel caso dei chinoni contenenti strutture ad anelli condensati e oligoarili più estese. Per i derivati contenenti fluorene e le sue specie omologhe era stato ipotizzato un carattere chinoide, ma la ridotta stabilità di questi materiali non ne ha permesso una conferma. L’introduzione di sostituenti elettrondonatori sulle posizioni 3,3’ della porzione centrale del materiale biradicaloide di riferimento, ovvero il 5,5’-bis-(3,5-di-tert-butil-4-oxo-2,5-cycloesadiene-1-ilidene)-2,2’-diidrossi bitiofene (QBT), ha altresì dimostrato come venga invece stabilizzato un carattere chinoide senza influenzare l’effettiva coniugazione della struttura di base. Questo rappresenta un risultato originale per la classe dei chinoidi a base tiofenica, per i quali in passato era stata osservata solo la dipendenza tra struttura biradicaloide e l’effettiva lunghezza di coniugazione, e dimostra la possibilità di separare il controllo del carattere elettronico dello stato fondamentale dall'energy gap. In base a questi risultati, è stata inoltre analizzata l’influenza di sostituenti elettronaccettori nella medesima porzione centrale bitiofenica sul carattere elettronico, così come di gruppi elettronattivi nelle posizioni 2,6 dei fenoni laterali. Nel primo caso, si dimostra che l’introduzione di gruppi elettronaccetori stabilizza il carattere biradicaloide delle specie. Inaspettatamente, l’introduzione di gruppi elettroattivi sui fenoni laterali ha invece un effetto opposto sul comportamento elettronico di queste specie di materiali, rispetto all'introduzione di gruppi donatori/accettori sulla porzione centrale. In tal modo si dimostra che il carattere elettronico di questi fenochinoni non solo è influenzato dalla natura dei sostituenti elettroattivi, ma anche dalla loro posizione sullo scheletro molecolare. Considerando il peculiare intenso assorbimento nella regione del rosso che contraddistingue questa specie di materiali, essi sono stati studiati come terza componente additiva alla miscela binaria P3HT:PCBM per lo sviluppo di celle fotovoltaiche organiche di terza generazione. Per le celle solari a base ternaria contenenti 0.6% in peso di QBT, si è osservato un aumento dell’efficienza del 47%, mentre l’introduzione di quantitativi maggiori di terza componente hanno mostrato un effetto negativo sulle performance del dispositivo. Le miscele ternarie contenenti differenti percentuali in peso di QBT sono state caratterizzate mediante spettroscopia UV-visibile, fluorescenza, misure di trasmittanza risolte in tempo, AFM, e calorimetria a scansione differenziale (DSC) per comprendere l’origine dell’aumento di efficienza. L’ipotesi che l’introduzione della terza componente potesse significativamente estendere l’assorbimento della miscela binaria P3HT:PCBM nella regione del rosso è stata esclusa, mentre è stato dimostrato come l’introduzione del QBT porti ad un miglioramento della cristallinità del P3HT e della morfologia dello strato attivo. Infine, mantenendo invariata la percentuale in peso della miscela P3HT:PCBM:QBT che ha mostrato il più elevato valore di efficienza, sono stati utilizzati altri chinoni come terza componente additiva: si è osservato come i materiali caratterizzati da una configurazione biradicaloide mostrino migliori prestazioni dei dispositivi, con un aumento del Fill Factor e dell’efficienza, mentre l’introduzione di strutture con carattere chinoide peggiori l’efficienza della miscela P3HT:PCBM di riferimento. La vicinanza tra i livelli di LUMO (Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital) della specie biradicaloide e del derivato fullerenico porta a pensare che avvenga un’interazione tra le due componenti mediante un meccanismo di spin-flip, il quale dovrebbe impedire la ricombinazione della coppia di polaroni all’interfaccia donatore-accettore. Questo risultato dimostra che il ruolo della specie chinoide non si limita solamente a migliorare la microstruttura dello strato P3HT-PCBM, ma che il peculiare carattere biradicaloide prenda realmente parte alla dissociazione degli eccitoni, limitandone la ricombinazione.
Structure to property relationship in low bandgap phenoquinones for third generation solar cells
Though photovoltaic market is leaded by silicon technology, due to the high cells efficiency and long-term stability, the good performance attained by the organic solar cells has open to new opportunities for the production of light, low-cost and possibly flexible devices to be implemented in many daily use items. In this framework, novel phenoquinone oligomers have been designed and synthesized for their possible use as third component in bulk-heterojunction solar cells. These phenoquinones demonstrate peculiar electronic features: by a combined experimental (NMR, UV-vis, Raman and Resonant Raman) and theoretical study, an unexpected turning of the quinoidal into a biradicaloid character by increasing the molecular length of a homologous series of thiophene-based quinoidal species has been observed To better highlight the relationship between the effective conjugation over the molecular backbone and the biradicaloid character, heterophenoquinones with the bithienylene core replaced with different linear or condensed polycyclic rings have been also synthesized. The investigation of these new material has shown that naphthalene and thienothiophene as central structures lead to an electronic character which is intermediate to quinoidal and biradical, whereas the biradicaloid structure is favored when longer condensed rings and oligoaryls are introduced. Derivatives containing fluorene and homologous species, which were expected to reflect the same exhibit a quinoidal character due to their limited conjugation have not been deeply investigated due to their poor stability. Moreover, the introduction of donor substituents on the 3,3’ positions in the central core of the biradicaloid material of reference, namely 5,5’-bis-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-oxo-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1-ylidene)-2,2’-dihydroxy bithiophene (QBT) turned into a stabilization of the quinoidal ground state structure without affecting the effective conjugation. This represents a new insight into the general class of thiophene-based quinoidal molecules, where only the dependence of the biradicaloid structure on the effective conjugation length (e.g Egap) has been so far reported, and gives the relevant opportunity of a separate control of the electronic character of the ground state over the optical bandgap. On the basis of these results, the influence of withdrawing substituents on the electronic structure has been also investigated. Heteroquaterphenoquinones bearing acetal and carboxylic acid in the central core are characterized by the same Raman fingerprint of the unsubstituted one, leading to the hypothesis that the introduction of electron acceptor groups stabilizes the biradicaloid character. Surprisingly, preliminary results have highlighted that the introduction of electron active substituents on the lateral phenones has an opposite influence on the overall peculiar electronic behavior of these materials, compared to the introduction of electron donor/withdrawing groups on the central core. Therefore, it has been demonstrated that electronic character of heterophenoquinones is affected not only by the nature of electron active substituents, but also by the position of the molecular backbone they are linked to. Considering the peculiar intense light absorption red shifted of these quinoidal species with respect to the state of the art binary P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction composite, they have been studied as a third component for the development of organic solar cells. An increase in efficiency (PCE) around 47%, by adding only, 0.6%, of 5,5’-bis-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-oxo-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1-ylidene)-2,2’-dihydroxy bithiophene (QBT), has been actually gained, while a further addition is detrimental for the device performances. Ternary mixtures with different ratio between components have been characterized by means of UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, ultrafast UV-vis transmittance spectroscopy, AFM, and differential scanning calorimetry to investigate the origin of this enhanced efficiency. A significant better harvesting of red light, to extend the light harvesting of the P3HT:PCBM system has been ruled out due to the small amount of the quinoidal species, whereas an effect of the third component on P3HT supra-organization and blend morphology has been demonstrated. Keeping fixed the relative content of P3HT:PCBM:Quinones which gave the best efficiency enhancement, some other quinoidal materials among the series synthesized have been tested: it was found that the majority among biradicaloid structures show better performances, with an enhancement both of Fill Factor and PCE, while the introduction of quinoidal structures turns into a worsening of P3HT:PCBM efficiency. The proximity between the LUMO levels of the biradicaloid species and the fullerene derivative, enables an interaction between the two components through a spin-flip mechanism, which should prevent the recombination of polaron pairs (PP) at the donor-acceptor domain interfaces. This finding is worthy to remark, as definitely demonstrates that the role of the quinones is not limited to a morphology improvement of non-optimal P3HT-PCBM microstructures, but their peculiar biradicaloid character actually takes part in exciton dissociation.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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