Research Goals - During the last few decades, many changes have occurred in the construction industry: first for what concerns the legislation on the energy efficiency and acoustics, then for new building techniques and technologies that can reduce construction time by increasing the efficiency and performance of the construction process. Today the traditional "transformation site" configuration is progressively quitted, as the "assembly site" concept is increasingly adopted, where the use of components and semi-finished products plays a leading role. The integration between the reinforced concrete structures cast in place and the assembly of building components, makes it essential to define, since the planning stage, the quality expectation classes, the quantitative and qualitative parameters for materials and components acceptance, the checks to be implemented during the construction phase and the admissible tolerances (related to materials interfacing with it). The research on Construction Technical Control, had the goal of identifying methods, techniques and tools for the preparation the guidelines regarding the technical control during the execution phase of structures made of reinforced concrete cast in place and then, the transposition of these instruments of controls, in the previous design phase. The aim of the execution control is to minimize the detected differences between the quality defined in the design phase, and the actual quality of the constructed building. Background – The analysis of the state of the art management and quality control in the construction industry, contemplated the study of recent international researches on buildings failures and the existing relationship between quality and non-quality costs in the building industry. They primarily focus on the temporal distribution of the defects. Several studies, in fact, reported how failures were not due to the materials durability but to errors committed in the design or in the construction phase. They then proceeded to study the allocation of responsibilities related to the building process actors. These studies identified the highest percentage of defects in the execution phase (45%) and in relation to private projects. The research work also thoroughly analyzed the French Sycodés data collection, which groups the costs of failure, calculated as a percentage of the building cost, subdivided according to the type of building, customer and the technical element damaged. From these data, it can be inferred that the costs of structures defects are nearly 43% of total relative costs of failures. In order to complete the study and better understand the various approaches to the problem, an accurate review of the control systems enforced by other European countries, in particular France, Germany, UK, Belgium, Norway and Sweden, was carried out. The close (accurate) examination of the international situation was completed by the introduction of the execution control methods adopted in the United States. Methodology and Case Study – The research was carried out with reference to the domestic legislation and situation. Therefore, this study focused on the state of the art in Italy, in relation to the various types of control as defined by the UNI 10722-3. This standard subdivides controls as follows: first party controls, (contractor self-monitoring plan, using quality management systems), second party controls (project management and final testing) and third party controls (technical control made by an independent body). Then the compulsory and voluntary controls and the NTC-defined procedures, to be carried out in the different phases of the construction process, was analyzed. Preliminary controls related to the qualification of construction materials (steel, concrete and precast elements), from CE marking to FPC certification, to tests to be carried out in production and processing centers. Checks on conformity and materials acceptance at the building site, from documental verification to materials tests. Controls during construction temporally divided into checks to be made ‘ex ante’ and ‘ex post’ on all steps necessary to set up cast in place structures: formworks, reinforcements and concrete castings. Lastly, final inspections to be performed over the built element were analyzed. Then the position, manufacturing tolerances of each single structural element were highlighted to verify first their acceptability as structural elements and then their compatibility with elements subsequent to the complete realization of the work. It was particularly taken into consideration the temporal scanning of checks associated with orderly and exhaustive information collection, trying, as much as possible, to build the basis for a structural control plan, with reference to concrete structures for civil use. The control sheets were verified and validated by using them following documentation collected during the management of works performed on a large public work and trying to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of what developed during the thesis. Results – From this research, it is possible to derive several insights about the current checks performed in Italy during the execution of reinforced concrete structures cast in place, where, in general, the default inspections performed are solely dictated by the relevant legislation in force. A more precise and accurate methodology that takes into account the voluntary standards, such as, for example, EN 206-1 and EN 13670:2010, is now required. Its primary advantage consists in the orderly collection of all the information concerning the structures cast in situ and the possibility to make the management, maintenance and verification in case of damage, more effective. Moreover, the reduction of failures, thanks to an accurate control of all executive stages, helps to improve the situation in the construction industry. The control sheets processed, constitute the optimal basis for a quality control plan and, in particular, for a control plan aimed at the execution of civil works in reinforced concrete cast in place. The method adopted allows contractualization controls by including procedures and control sheets in the specifications. It also defines and explains the requirements and specifications with which to inform the structural design. This process increases the expected quality in the implementation phase, enabling us to thoroughly check each building step and identify in a timely manner, any possible non-compliance of the process. The procedure and controls defined in this thesis can be optimally integrated into B.I.M. system. This is because it is possible to associate each technical element with regulatory requirements and specifications to be used in the design phase and the subsequent control modes to be implemented during execution. By doing so, the computerized controls both during construction phase and information transfer for the next testing and management phase is ensured. The system was tested on a technical element (pillar) of a public building and its future application will allow the actual creation of a database for every technical element constituting the structural work. This method could be further extended to all the constituent parts of the building, thus obtaining a computerized library of work, from the planning stage to its maintenance management.
Research Goals - In questi ultimi decenni nel settore delle costruzioni sono avvenuti molti cambiamenti, sia per quanto riguarda la legislazione in termini di efficienza energetica ed acustica, sia per le nuove tecniche e tecnologie che permettono di ridurre i tempi di costruzione aumentando l’efficienza e le prestazioni degli elementi tecnici in opera. Si sta abbandonando la configurazione più tradizionale dei “cantieri di trasformazione” avvicinando la realtà costruttiva sempre di più verso i “cantieri di montaggio”, dove l’impiego di componenti e semilavorati sta assumendo un ruolo predominante. L’integrazione quindi tra le strutture in cemento armato gettato in opera e il montaggio dei componenti edilizi rende indispensabile definire, già in sede progettuale, le classi di qualità attese, i parametri quantitativi e qualitativi per l’accettazione dei materiali e dei componenti, i controlli da effettuare in corso d’opera e le tolleranze ammissibili (in relazione ai materiali che si interfacciano con esso). La ricerca sul Controllo Tecnico in Esecuzione, sviluppato nel triennio di dottorato, aveva come obiettivo l’individuazione di metodi, tecniche e strumenti per la redazione di linee guida per il controllo tecnico in fase di esecuzione di strutture in calcestruzzo armato realizzate in opera, e della trasposizione di tali strumenti nella precedente fase di progettazione. Il ruolo del controllo in esecuzione è quello di ridurre il più possibile la differenza (gap) che si rileva tra la propensione qualitativa definita in fase progettuale, e la qualità effettiva dell’edificio realizzato. Background – L’analisi dello stato dell’arte sulla gestione e il controllo della qualità nel settore delle costruzioni ha contemplato lo studio di recenti ricerche internazionali sui guasti nelle costruzioni e sul rapporto tra i costi della qualità e i costi della non qualità in edilizia. L’attenzione è stata posta principalmente sulla distribuzione temporale dei difetti. In vari studi veniva segnalato come i guasti non erano dovuti alla durabilità dei materiali ma ad errori nelle fasi di progettazione e costruzione dell’opera. Si è quindi proceduto a studiare l’attribuzione delle responsabilità in riferimento agli attori del processo edilizio. La percentuale di difetti più alta viene riscontrata in fase di esecuzione (45%) e in relazione a progetti privati. La ricerca è stata approfondita con l’analisi della raccolta dati francese Sycodés, che raccoglie i costi dei guasti, calcolati in percentuale rispetto al costo di costruzione, suddivisi in base alla tipologia edilizia, al tipo di committenza e al tipo di elemento tecnico danneggiato. Da qui si rileva come i costi di difetti alle strutture siano quasi il 43% sul totale dei costi relativi dei guasti. Per completare lo studio e comprendere meglio i vari approcci al problema è stata fatta una ricognizione puntuale dei sistemi di controllo degli altri paesi europei, con particolare riferimento a Francia, Germania, Regno Unito, Belgio, Norvegia, Svezia. La disanima della situazione internazionale si completa con la presentazione delle metodologie di controllo in esecuzione utilizzate negli Stati Uniti. Methodology and Case Study – La ricerca è stata svolta avendo come riferimento la normativa e la situazione nazionale, per questo lo studio ha riguardato, in particolare, lo stato dell’arte in Italia in riferimento ai vari tipi di controllo definiti nella norma UNI 10722-3 che suddivide in: controlli di parte prima (autocontrollo dell’impresa esecutrice, utilizzando sistemi di gestione qualità), controlli di parte seconda (ufficio Direzione Lavori e organismi di collaudo) e ai controlli di parte terza (controllo tecnico effettuato da organismo indipendente). In seguito sono stati analizzati e definiti nel dettaglio i controlli cogenti e volontari e le procedure definite dalle NTC, da effettuare nelle diverse fasi del processo di costruzione. I controlli preliminari riferiti alla qualifica dei materiali da costruzione (acciaio, calcestruzzo ed elementi prefabbricati), dalla marcatura CE alla certificazione FPC, alle prove da effettuare nei centri di trasformazione e produzione. I controlli di conformità e di accettazione dei materiali in cantiere, dalla verifica documentale alle prove sui materiali. I controlli in corso d’opera suddivisi temporalmente in controlli da effettuare ex ante ed ex post di ogni attività necessaria alla realizzazione delle strutture gettate in opera: casseratura, armatura e getto di calcestruzzo. In ultimo sono stati analizzati i controlli finali da effettuare sull’elemento finito, sono state quindi evidenziate le tolleranze di posizione e di fabbricazione dei singoli elementi strutturali, in modo da verificare in primis l’accettabilità in quanto elementi strutturali e successivamente la loro compatibilità con gli elementi successivi alla realizzazione completa dell’opera. Particolare attenzione è stata data alla scansione temporale dei controlli e alla raccolta di informazioni ordinata ed esaustiva, cercando il più possibile di costruire la base per un piano di controllo strutturale, avendo come riferimento strutture in cemento armato di uso civile. Le schede sono state verificate e validate usandole a posteriori di una direzione lavori eseguita su di una grande opera pubblica e cercando di migliorare l’efficienza e l’efficacia di quanto elaborato durante la tesi. Results – Dalla ricerca presentata si ricavano molti spunti di riflessione in merito ai controlli svolti attualmente in Italia durante l’esecuzione delle strutture in calcestruzzo armato gettato in opera, dove, generalmente, vengono eseguiti controlli di default dettati esclusivamente dalla normativa cogente. Una metodologia più precisa e puntuale, che tenga conto anche delle normative volontari, quali ad esempio, la norma UNI EN 206-1 e la UNI EN 13670: 2010, è ormai necessaria. La principale utilità riguarda la raccolta ordinata di tutte le informazioni riguardanti le strutture gettate in opera e la possibilità di poter rendere la gestione, manutenzione e verifica in caso di danni, più efficace. Inoltre la riduzione dei guasti dovuta ad un controllo puntuale di tutte le fasi esecutive contribuisce a migliorare la situazione del settore edilizio. Le schede di controllo elaborate costituiscono la base per un piano di qualità e, più in particolare, per un piano dei controlli per l’esecuzione di opere civili in calcestruzzo armato gettato in opera. Il metodo usato permette di contrattualizzare i controlli riportando le procedure e le schede di controllo all’interno del capitolato. Inoltre consente di definire e chiarire i requisiti e le specificazioni con cui informare il progetto strutturale. Questo processo aumenta la qualità attesa in fase realizzativa, permettendo di controllare ogni step costruttivo e identificare in modo puntuale le eventuali non conformità di processo. La procedura e i controlli definiti nella tesi si prestano perfettamente ad un’integrazione all’interno di un sistema B.I.M. in quanto è possibile collegare, ad ogni elemento tecnico, i requisiti normativi e le eventuali specificazioni da utilizzare nella fase progettuale e le successive modalità di controllo da utilizzare in fase esecutiva, permettendo un’informatizzazione sia dei controlli in corso d’opera sia del trasferimento delle informazioni per la successiva fase di collaudazione e gestione. Il sistema è stato testato su un elemento tecnico (pilastro) di un edificio pubblico e la futura applicazione permette di creare di fatto una banca dati per ognuno degli elementi tecnici strutturali costituenti l’opera. Tale metodologia potrebbe essere estesa a tutte le parti costituenti l’edificio ottenendo cosi una biblioteca informatizzata dell’opera dalla sua fase programmatoria fino alla gestione manutentiva.
Controls on structures' construction : cast in place reinforced concrete structures
Research Goals - During the last few decades, many changes have occurred in the construction industry: first for what concerns the legislation on the energy efficiency and acoustics, then for new building techniques and technologies that can reduce construction time by increasing the efficiency and performance of the construction process. Today the traditional "transformation site" configuration is progressively quitted, as the "assembly site" concept is increasingly adopted, where the use of components and semi-finished products plays a leading role. The integration between the reinforced concrete structures cast in place and the assembly of building components, makes it essential to define, since the planning stage, the quality expectation classes, the quantitative and qualitative parameters for materials and components acceptance, the checks to be implemented during the construction phase and the admissible tolerances (related to materials interfacing with it). The research on Construction Technical Control, had the goal of identifying methods, techniques and tools for the preparation the guidelines regarding the technical control during the execution phase of structures made of reinforced concrete cast in place and then, the transposition of these instruments of controls, in the previous design phase. The aim of the execution control is to minimize the detected differences between the quality defined in the design phase, and the actual quality of the constructed building. Background – The analysis of the state of the art management and quality control in the construction industry, contemplated the study of recent international researches on buildings failures and the existing relationship between quality and non-quality costs in the building industry. They primarily focus on the temporal distribution of the defects. Several studies, in fact, reported how failures were not due to the materials durability but to errors committed in the design or in the construction phase. They then proceeded to study the allocation of responsibilities related to the building process actors. These studies identified the highest percentage of defects in the execution phase (45%) and in relation to private projects. The research work also thoroughly analyzed the French Sycodés data collection, which groups the costs of failure, calculated as a percentage of the building cost, subdivided according to the type of building, customer and the technical element damaged. From these data, it can be inferred that the costs of structures defects are nearly 43% of total relative costs of failures. In order to complete the study and better understand the various approaches to the problem, an accurate review of the control systems enforced by other European countries, in particular France, Germany, UK, Belgium, Norway and Sweden, was carried out. The close (accurate) examination of the international situation was completed by the introduction of the execution control methods adopted in the United States. Methodology and Case Study – The research was carried out with reference to the domestic legislation and situation. Therefore, this study focused on the state of the art in Italy, in relation to the various types of control as defined by the UNI 10722-3. This standard subdivides controls as follows: first party controls, (contractor self-monitoring plan, using quality management systems), second party controls (project management and final testing) and third party controls (technical control made by an independent body). Then the compulsory and voluntary controls and the NTC-defined procedures, to be carried out in the different phases of the construction process, was analyzed. Preliminary controls related to the qualification of construction materials (steel, concrete and precast elements), from CE marking to FPC certification, to tests to be carried out in production and processing centers. Checks on conformity and materials acceptance at the building site, from documental verification to materials tests. Controls during construction temporally divided into checks to be made ‘ex ante’ and ‘ex post’ on all steps necessary to set up cast in place structures: formworks, reinforcements and concrete castings. Lastly, final inspections to be performed over the built element were analyzed. Then the position, manufacturing tolerances of each single structural element were highlighted to verify first their acceptability as structural elements and then their compatibility with elements subsequent to the complete realization of the work. It was particularly taken into consideration the temporal scanning of checks associated with orderly and exhaustive information collection, trying, as much as possible, to build the basis for a structural control plan, with reference to concrete structures for civil use. The control sheets were verified and validated by using them following documentation collected during the management of works performed on a large public work and trying to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of what developed during the thesis. Results – From this research, it is possible to derive several insights about the current checks performed in Italy during the execution of reinforced concrete structures cast in place, where, in general, the default inspections performed are solely dictated by the relevant legislation in force. A more precise and accurate methodology that takes into account the voluntary standards, such as, for example, EN 206-1 and EN 13670:2010, is now required. Its primary advantage consists in the orderly collection of all the information concerning the structures cast in situ and the possibility to make the management, maintenance and verification in case of damage, more effective. Moreover, the reduction of failures, thanks to an accurate control of all executive stages, helps to improve the situation in the construction industry. The control sheets processed, constitute the optimal basis for a quality control plan and, in particular, for a control plan aimed at the execution of civil works in reinforced concrete cast in place. The method adopted allows contractualization controls by including procedures and control sheets in the specifications. It also defines and explains the requirements and specifications with which to inform the structural design. This process increases the expected quality in the implementation phase, enabling us to thoroughly check each building step and identify in a timely manner, any possible non-compliance of the process. The procedure and controls defined in this thesis can be optimally integrated into B.I.M. system. This is because it is possible to associate each technical element with regulatory requirements and specifications to be used in the design phase and the subsequent control modes to be implemented during execution. By doing so, the computerized controls both during construction phase and information transfer for the next testing and management phase is ensured. The system was tested on a technical element (pillar) of a public building and its future application will allow the actual creation of a database for every technical element constituting the structural work. This method could be further extended to all the constituent parts of the building, thus obtaining a computerized library of work, from the planning stage to its maintenance management.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: PhD Thesis VILLA V.
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