Sfoglia per Settore SSD BIO/07
Mostrati risultati da 1 a 15 di 15
Connectivity analysis of fish stocks in the Adriatic sea: a case study on Mullus barbatus
2022/2023 Segale, Giorgio
Data-informed models for the coupled dispersal of microplastics and plastic-related pollutants applied to the Mediterranean Sea
Decoding electrical bio-signals of plants to detect drought stress
Ecosystem dynamics and trophic cascades in shallow rocky reefs under different protection regimes: a case study from the Mediterranean marine protected area of Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo
2021/2022 Bellu', Silvia Maria
Ecosystems connectivity in the Mediterranean Sea : hotspots identification for a marine community based on Posidonia oceanica
2019/2020 Biondi, Matteo
Enhancing the ecological condition of the urban forest of San Cristobal, Madrid (Spain): current status and future scenarios
2022/2023 Grillone, Luca
Global-scale mapping of potential epidemiological risks from thawing permfarost
2021/2022 Stucchi, Davide
Human movement in pandemic times : the impact of COVID-19 in Italy analyzed through the lens of Google and Apple mobility data
Modelling the disease ecology of Myxomatosis in european rabbits
2022/2023 BOGANI, DAVIDE
Modelling the invasion dynamics of the pest Popillia japonica: insights from the recent outbreak in Italy and Switzerland
2022/2023 Erbetta, Laura
Reconstructing present and future essential fish habitats through suitability modelling. A case study of European hake in the Adriatic Sea
2022/2023 Meroni, Gioele
A resource-consumer model applied to the leaf miner (Tuta absoluta) - tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) system : consequences of agronomic practices and environmental temperature
2021/2022 Coppola, Andrea
Sizing and displacement of a stand-alone power generation system in Nosy Mitsio, Madagascar
Temporal network models for the spread of infectious diseases, with a special focus on livestock farm systems
Valutazione dei servizi ecosistemici di regolazione del ciclo del carbonio : confronto fra pratiche agricole nell'isola di Nosy Mitsio, Madagascar
2020/2021 COLOMBO, MARCO
Mostrati risultati da 1 a 15 di 15
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