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Mostrati risultati da 1 a 20 di 66
Fulltext Data Tipo Titolo Autore (i)
2018-12-20 Tesi di laurea Magistrale A bidirectional heuristic for stochastic assembly line balancing PESAVENTO, MARCO
2019-12-18 Tesi di laurea Magistrale A lab-scale modeling architecture for testing digital twin and real-time simulation ALBA, VINCENZO VALERIO
2018-07-25 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Additive manufacturing in aeronautics spare parts supply chain : an evaluation based on inventory policies CESTANA, ALESSANDRO
2010-12-20 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Algoritmo per l'identificazione della tolleranza di simulazione ottimale in Vericut® HU, FONG ANGELO MARCOCROCI, CLAUDIO
2011-12-20 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Analisi dell'uso di energia in centri di lavoro a controllo numerico CAZZINI, VITOAMADEO, MARCO
2011-12-20 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Analysis of airport check-in operation and its reconfigurable design and management ZATTONI, CLELIA
2018-12-20 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Analysis of collaborative real-time decision making policies for the airport team allocation problem in ground handling operations CATTANEO, GIOVANNI
2021-11-17 Tesi di Dottorato Automated generation and exploitation of discrete event simulation models for decision making in manufacturing Lugaresi, Giovanni
2020-12-15 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Bus manufacturing : a study of the technologies, the characteristics of the assembly plants and the Italian production chain Nisoli, Filippo Maria
2018-10-03 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Capacity planning of a production system under uncertainty of demand : application to a real case of the automotive components sector MORSIA, ALESSANDRO
2010-12-21 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Comparison between operation and time dependent failure modes in transfer lines ZEYBEK, MURATTOPAL, EREN
2024-10-10 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Complete digital twin for production control based on remaining cycle time prediction BACELAR DOS SANTOS, PEDRO LUÍSChalissery Lona, Alex
2021-07-23 Tesi di laurea Magistrale A data-driven methodology for the balancing of paced assembly lines Princiotta, Flavio
2018-07-25 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Design and analysis for a distribution center of an e-commerce company JACOBSEN, VICENTE
2013-10-03 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Development of discrete event simulation model for estimation in energy consumption and environmental impacts of manufacturing systems OZLU, NIHAT
2024-04-09 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Digital twins for battery manufacturing Gastaldi Cibola, Riccardo Maria
2013-12-18 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Discrete event simulation optimization using mathematical programming : a graph theory analysis ROSTITI, CRISTIAN
2013-03-27 Tesi di Dottorato Discrete event systems simulation-optimization : time buffer framework PEDRIELLI, GIULIA
2013-12-18 Tesi di laurea Magistrale L'efficienza energetica dei sistemi produttivi attraverso la simulazione ibrida : caso di studio in SimEvents SANNA, STEFANO
2021-04-28 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Evaluating the selective laser melting application on inventory management : detailed production process modelling and inventory policies analysis Montano, Beatrice Marisa
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