In memory of the twenty-fifth anniversary from the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Start for talents proposed the contest: “BERLINO: AL DI LÀ DEL MURO - Una residenza per artisti nel quartiere Friedrichshain”. In light of this event, my thesis is based on this context. The main goal is related to the design of a building that can connect with the urban context and, at the same time, can reach the future users needs and demands. This work will be divided into two phases: the analytical study and the real building design. The first phase concerns all the researches that have been done to define and understand the context, not only from a geographical point of view but also cultural, social as well as historical. On one hand, it was necessary to study Berlin’s reality. Starting from the history, it defined the architectural and urban aspect, its character and the culture of the modern city. The analysis is also focused to a very critical issue in Kreuzberg district, namely “gentrification”. On the other side, the potential user profiles have been defined as people who could be interested in a residency program in a city like Berlin. The main contribution was drawn from the interviews with handful of artists who are actually living in the German capital. In the second phase the spaces and their features have been defined, concurring to the German legislations and the interviewed artists’ experiences. After identifying the necessary relationships between the spaces and the surrounding environment and between the different spaces themselves, the architectural concept was created. Therefore, resulting into the final building model and the external environment project along with the technical system, the structural system, and the installation system. This study resulted in a complex where three main functional blocks are distinguished, namely the residence, the laboratories with the ateliers and the exhibition area. Everything is in constant relationship with the outside environment and create paths able to space on different levels, both private and public.
In occasione del venticinquesimo anniversario dalla caduta del muro di Berlino, nel 2014 Start for talents ha proposto il concorso di idee: “BERLINO: AL DI LÀ DEL MURO - Una residenza per artisti nel quartiere Friedrichshain”, sul quale si è basato questo lavoro di tesi. L’obiettivo principale ha riguardato la progettazione di un edificio capace di integrarsi con il particolare contesto urbano e, allo stesso modo, di rispondere alle esigenze dei futuri utenti. Il percorso intrapreso in questo lavoro può essere diviso in due fasi principali: uno di analisi e uno di progettazione vera e propria dell’edificio. La prima fase ha riguardato la ricerca compiuta per definire e comprendere il contesto, sia da un punto di vista geografico sia culturale, sociale, storico e contemporaneo. Da una parte è stato necessario lo studio della realtà berlinese, partendo dalla storia che ne ha definito l’aspetto architettonico-urbanistico, il carattere e la cultura della città odierna. È stato affrontato anche il tema della gentrificazione, molto attuale soprattutto nel distretto di Kreuzberg. Dall’altra parte, sono stati definiti i profili dei potenziali utenti che potrebbero essere interessati a partecipare a un programma di residenza in una città come Berlino, grazie al contributo emerso dalle interviste fatte ad alcuni artisti già residenti nella capitale tedesca. Nella seconda fase sono stati definiti gli spazi e le relative caratteristiche previsti all’interno della residenza d’artista, attraverso la consultazione della normativa tedesca riguardante residenze studentesche, scuole d’arte e musei, e sempre facendo riferimento alle esperienze testimoniate dagli artisti intervistati. Dopo aver individuato le relazioni necessarie tra gli spazi e l’ambiente circostante e tra gli spazi stessi, è stato realizzato il concept architettonico, fino alla realizzazione del modello finale dell’edificio integrato al progetto tecnologico, strutturale ed impiantistico. Il risultato ottenuto definisce un complesso in cui sono distinguibili i tre blocchi funzionali principali, ovvero la residenza, i laboratori con gli atelier e l’area espositiva, tutti in constante rapporto con l’esterno e capaci di creare percorsi su più livelli, sia privati che pubblici.
Cuvry lab. Progetto di una residenza per artisti a Berlino
In memory of the twenty-fifth anniversary from the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Start for talents proposed the contest: “BERLINO: AL DI LÀ DEL MURO - Una residenza per artisti nel quartiere Friedrichshain”. In light of this event, my thesis is based on this context. The main goal is related to the design of a building that can connect with the urban context and, at the same time, can reach the future users needs and demands. This work will be divided into two phases: the analytical study and the real building design. The first phase concerns all the researches that have been done to define and understand the context, not only from a geographical point of view but also cultural, social as well as historical. On one hand, it was necessary to study Berlin’s reality. Starting from the history, it defined the architectural and urban aspect, its character and the culture of the modern city. The analysis is also focused to a very critical issue in Kreuzberg district, namely “gentrification”. On the other side, the potential user profiles have been defined as people who could be interested in a residency program in a city like Berlin. The main contribution was drawn from the interviews with handful of artists who are actually living in the German capital. In the second phase the spaces and their features have been defined, concurring to the German legislations and the interviewed artists’ experiences. After identifying the necessary relationships between the spaces and the surrounding environment and between the different spaces themselves, the architectural concept was created. Therefore, resulting into the final building model and the external environment project along with the technical system, the structural system, and the installation system. This study resulted in a complex where three main functional blocks are distinguished, namely the residence, the laboratories with the ateliers and the exhibition area. Everything is in constant relationship with the outside environment and create paths able to space on different levels, both private and public.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: Testo della tesi
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Descrizione: Tavole di progetto 0-5
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Descrizione: Tavole di progetto 6-12
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Descrizione: Tavole di progetto 13-21
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Descrizione: Tavole di progetto 22-26
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