3D printing is a term to describe technology used for the rapid production of 3D objects directly from digital computer aided design (CAD) files. Today, 3D printers can process a wide variety of materials and produce fully functional components. 3D printing technologies have been explored for a wide range of applications including robotics, automobile components, firearms, medicine, space, etc. With the advancement of both materials and 3D printing hardware, extremely expensive components can be produced in higher speed and lower cost, It is expected that 3D printing could transform the economy, with an impact of up to $550 billion a year by 2025 The 3D printers found on most college campuses, as well as those seeing the highest consumer demand, are FDM printers, which utilize a spool of plastic filament as the source material for the 3D printing process. This consumable plastic filament must be replaced, much like the ink in a standard ink-jet printer, at a cost approaching 30-40 euro per spool. Currently printer filament is typically produced using a traditional extrusion process. While commercial printing filaments are usually polymers, such as polylactic acid (PLA) or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), There are a lot of advantages in using plastic in 3D printing. These advantages are particularly valuable for research apparatus and specialist equipment for which new designs must be tested, for example, in biomedical applications. 3D printing allows for more complex designs to be created than when compared to more conventional manufacturing, besides, Plastics are inexpensive, require little energy to manufacture, and are biocompatible and lightweight. This makes them an ideal material for single-use disposable devices. Most water bottles and other containers that are labeled with the number 1 recyclable symbol are made from the plastic PET. PET is created by the polymerization of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid and it is used to manufacture a variety of products. PET’s transparency, high impact resilience, ability to create a barrier from gas and moisture, shatter resistance, and resilience to solvents are the characteristics that make PET desirable for manufacturing. Although PET is a desirable material when it comes to manufacturing containers, PET is not a popular source material for 3D printing. When it comes to 3D printing, a modified version of PET is commonly used. Glycol is added to the material composition during the polymerization process of PET to create PETG. This allows for the manufacturing of a higher quality of filament when compared to PET. Although the acronyms look similar, the addition of the added glycol essentially creates a whole new plastic. The resulting filament is more transparent, less brittle and easier to use than the base form of PET. This Thesis explores the emerging challenges and opportunities of using Recycled material in AM technology for a more sustainable Architecture, ranging from new developments of materials in terms of usability to design opportunities and informative applications. The first chapter of this thesis study a mathematical theory called circle-packing as a challenge for the design and construction parts, first chapter focuses of packing circles, proof mathematically the theory and indicates computational scripts and case studies, the second chapter outlines various types of additive manufacturing and the revolutionary influence of AM in supply chain and product manufacturing. Chapter three investigates the technology of recycling plastic and adopting it in AM technologies, an analytical framework describes material behavior comparing recycled filament and virgin filament of PLA, PET and PETG material, recycled PETG has got the best results in terms of thermal and mechanical behavior. The framework allows a better understanding of potentials and weaknesses that recycled material offers compared to virgin filaments. The fourth and final Chapter in this thesis is the Design part, it represents my practical experience in Additive Manufacturing with three different types of 3D-Printers: 0.7mm and 1.2 mm nozzle size WASP 3d-printer, and 3 mm nozzle size Delta 3MT WASP 3Dprinter, and also with using many different filaments and pellets mainly recycled PETEG filament provided by Filo alfa. In this chapter I will introduce the design which is a barricade for Expo 2020, it is a modular design that is repeating, assembling and portable, the design is inspired by the expo logo, with circular geometry, the main challenge of this project is the printing challenges and settings, the junctions and connections and the assembly and fixing process, the result indicates the feasibility and development of the design with Sustainable approach for using 3D Printing technology with Recycled Materials.
La stampa 3D è un termine per descrivere la tecnologia utilizzata per la produzione rapida di oggetti 3D direttamente dai file CAD (computer aided design). Oggi, le stampanti 3D possono elaborare un'ampia varietà di materiali e produrre componenti completamente funzionali. Le tecnologie di stampa 3D sono state esplorate per una vasta gamma di applicazioni, tra cui robotica, componenti automobilistici, armi da fuoco, medicina, spazio, ecc. Con l'avanzamento di entrambi i materiali e l'hardware di stampa 3D, componenti estremamente costosi possono essere prodotti con maggiore velocità e costi inferiori, Si prevede che la stampa 3D potrebbe trasformare l'economia, con un impatto fino a 550 miliardi di dollari all'anno entro il 2025 Le stampanti 3D trovate nella maggior parte dei campus universitari, così come quelle che vedono la più alta domanda dei consumatori, sono stampanti FDM, che utilizzano una bobina di filamenti di plastica come materiale di partenza per il processo di stampa 3D. Questo filamento di plastica consumabile deve essere sostituito, proprio come l'inchiostro di una normale stampante a getto d'inchiostro, ad un costo che si avvicina ai 30-40 euro per bobina. Attualmente il filamento della stampante viene generalmente prodotto utilizzando un processo di estrusione tradizionale. Mentre i filamenti di stampa commerciale sono solitamente polimeri, come acido polilattico (PLA) o acrilonitrile-butadiene-stirene (ABS), polietilene tereftalato (PET), ci sono molti vantaggi nell'uso della plastica nella stampa 3D. Questi vantaggi sono particolarmente preziosi per gli apparecchi di ricerca e le attrezzature specialistiche per i quali devono essere testati nuovi progetti, ad esempio in applicazioni biomediche. La stampa 3D consente di creare disegni più complessi rispetto a quelli di una produzione più convenzionale, inoltre, i materiali plastici sono poco costosi, richiedono poca energia per la produzione e sono biocompatibili e leggeri. Questo li rende un materiale ideale per dispositivi monouso monouso. La maggior parte delle bottiglie d'acqua e altri contenitori contrassegnati dal simbolo riciclabile numero 1 sono realizzati in PET di plastica. Il PET è creato dalla polimerizzazione di glicole etilenico e acido tereftalico e viene utilizzato per produrre una varietà di prodotti. La trasparenza del PET, la resilienza ad alto impatto, la capacità di creare una barriera dal gas e dall'umidità, la resistenza alla frantumazione e la resilienza ai solventi sono le caratteristiche che rendono il PET desiderabile per la produzione. Sebbene il PET sia un materiale desiderabile quando si tratta di produrre contenitori, il PET non è un materiale di base per la stampa 3D. Quando si tratta di stampa 3D, viene comunemente utilizzata una versione modificata di PET. Il glicole viene aggiunto alla composizione del materiale durante il processo di polimerizzazione del PET per creare PETG. Ciò consente la produzione di una qualità superiore del filamento rispetto al PET. Sebbene gli acronimi siano simili, l'aggiunta del glicole aggiunto crea essenzialmente una plastica completamente nuova. Il filamento risultante è più trasparente, meno fragile e più facile da usare rispetto alla forma base del PET. Questa Tesi esplora le sfide e le opportunità emergenti dell'utilizzo del materiale riciclato nella tecnologia AM per un'architettura più sostenibile, che va dai nuovi sviluppi dei materiali in termini di usabilità alle opportunità di progettazione e alle applicazioni informative. Il primo capitolo di questa tesi studia una teoria matematica chiamata circle-packing come una sfida per le parti di progettazione e costruzione, il primo capitolo si focalizza sui circoli di imballaggio, prova matematicamente la teoria e indica script computazionali e casi di studio, il secondo capitolo delinea vari tipi di la produzione additiva e l'influenza rivoluzionaria di AM nella catena di fornitura e nella produzione del prodotto. Il capitolo tre esamina la tecnologia del riciclaggio della plastica e l'adozione nelle tecnologie AM, una struttura analitica descrive il comportamento del materiale confrontando il filamento riciclato e il filamento vergine di materiale PLA, PET e PETG, PETG riciclato ha ottenuto i migliori risultati in termini di comportamento termico e meccanico. Il framework consente una migliore comprensione dei potenziali e dei punti deboli rispetto alle offerte di materiale riciclato rispetto ai filamenti vergini. Il quarto e ultimo capitolo di questa tesi è la parte di progettazione, rappresenta la mia esperienza pratica nella produzione additiva con tre diversi tipi di stampanti 3D: 0,7 millimetri e 1,2 mm dimensione ugello stampante 3D WASP e dimensione ugello 3 mm Delta 3MT WASP 3Dprinter, e anche con l'utilizzo di molti diversi filamenti e pellet principalmente filamento PETEG riciclato fornito da Filo alfa. In questo capitolo introdurrò il design che è una barricata per Expo 2020, è un design modulare che si ripete, assemblato e portatile, il design è ispirato al logo expo, con geometria circolare, la sfida principale di questo progetto è la stampando le sfide e le impostazioni, i raccordi e le connessioni e il processo di assemblaggio e fissaggio, il risultato indica la fattibilità e lo sviluppo del design con un approccio sostenibile per l'utilizzo della tecnologia di stampa 3D con materiali riciclati.
A sustainable approach in additive manufacturing with recycled material
3D printing is a term to describe technology used for the rapid production of 3D objects directly from digital computer aided design (CAD) files. Today, 3D printers can process a wide variety of materials and produce fully functional components. 3D printing technologies have been explored for a wide range of applications including robotics, automobile components, firearms, medicine, space, etc. With the advancement of both materials and 3D printing hardware, extremely expensive components can be produced in higher speed and lower cost, It is expected that 3D printing could transform the economy, with an impact of up to $550 billion a year by 2025 The 3D printers found on most college campuses, as well as those seeing the highest consumer demand, are FDM printers, which utilize a spool of plastic filament as the source material for the 3D printing process. This consumable plastic filament must be replaced, much like the ink in a standard ink-jet printer, at a cost approaching 30-40 euro per spool. Currently printer filament is typically produced using a traditional extrusion process. While commercial printing filaments are usually polymers, such as polylactic acid (PLA) or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), There are a lot of advantages in using plastic in 3D printing. These advantages are particularly valuable for research apparatus and specialist equipment for which new designs must be tested, for example, in biomedical applications. 3D printing allows for more complex designs to be created than when compared to more conventional manufacturing, besides, Plastics are inexpensive, require little energy to manufacture, and are biocompatible and lightweight. This makes them an ideal material for single-use disposable devices. Most water bottles and other containers that are labeled with the number 1 recyclable symbol are made from the plastic PET. PET is created by the polymerization of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid and it is used to manufacture a variety of products. PET’s transparency, high impact resilience, ability to create a barrier from gas and moisture, shatter resistance, and resilience to solvents are the characteristics that make PET desirable for manufacturing. Although PET is a desirable material when it comes to manufacturing containers, PET is not a popular source material for 3D printing. When it comes to 3D printing, a modified version of PET is commonly used. Glycol is added to the material composition during the polymerization process of PET to create PETG. This allows for the manufacturing of a higher quality of filament when compared to PET. Although the acronyms look similar, the addition of the added glycol essentially creates a whole new plastic. The resulting filament is more transparent, less brittle and easier to use than the base form of PET. This Thesis explores the emerging challenges and opportunities of using Recycled material in AM technology for a more sustainable Architecture, ranging from new developments of materials in terms of usability to design opportunities and informative applications. The first chapter of this thesis study a mathematical theory called circle-packing as a challenge for the design and construction parts, first chapter focuses of packing circles, proof mathematically the theory and indicates computational scripts and case studies, the second chapter outlines various types of additive manufacturing and the revolutionary influence of AM in supply chain and product manufacturing. Chapter three investigates the technology of recycling plastic and adopting it in AM technologies, an analytical framework describes material behavior comparing recycled filament and virgin filament of PLA, PET and PETG material, recycled PETG has got the best results in terms of thermal and mechanical behavior. The framework allows a better understanding of potentials and weaknesses that recycled material offers compared to virgin filaments. The fourth and final Chapter in this thesis is the Design part, it represents my practical experience in Additive Manufacturing with three different types of 3D-Printers: 0.7mm and 1.2 mm nozzle size WASP 3d-printer, and 3 mm nozzle size Delta 3MT WASP 3Dprinter, and also with using many different filaments and pellets mainly recycled PETEG filament provided by Filo alfa. In this chapter I will introduce the design which is a barricade for Expo 2020, it is a modular design that is repeating, assembling and portable, the design is inspired by the expo logo, with circular geometry, the main challenge of this project is the printing challenges and settings, the junctions and connections and the assembly and fixing process, the result indicates the feasibility and development of the design with Sustainable approach for using 3D Printing technology with Recycled Materials.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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