High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a polymer widely used for many packaging applications. During its service life a container can be exposed to substances, like commercial bleach, which, interacting chemically and physically with the polymer, can alter its mechanical properties and can lead to a premature failure of the container itself. Due to the great number of ingredients present in a typical commercial bleach, the determination of their individual effect on the mechanical properties of the polymer and the identification of the nature of their interaction is of particular interest to properly describe the occurring phenomena. In fact, it has to be considered that substances like sodium hypochlorite can interact chemically with the polyethylene causing its oxidation, while surfactants can be absorbed by the material in proximity of a defect thus favouring a phenomenon called Environmental Stress Cracking (ESC). However, due to the different nature of the two interactions and to the different amount of time required for their occurrence, it is not straightforward to predict which mechanism would be active under given conditions. For these reasons, in this study, the two phenomena were considered separately. To evaluate the extent of the chemical interaction, HDPE samples were exposed to several solutions containing combinations of bleach ingredients for different amounts of time and the evolution of several properties was monitored at regular intervals. At the end of this characterization only a negligible increase of the sample mass, related to the absorption of the solution, was measured while no effect on tensile and scratch resistance properties was detected; it was hence concluded that negligible chemical interaction could occur during the time range considered, corresponding to the expected bottle service life. For what concerns ESC, instead, fracture tests were conducted on 11 mm thick compression moulded samples both in air and in the presence of the various environments. The influence of the bleach ingredients on the initiation and propagation phases of fracture was evaluated adopting a method based on Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM). It was observed that in presence of the considered environments, after a critical interaction time and below a critical propagation speed, the crack initiated earlier and propagated faster with respect to that observed in air. A time-temperature superposition reduction scheme was also adopted to predict the long term fracture and ESC resistance of the materials under study. Subsequently, the effect of the production process was also studied obtaining samples directly from the bleach containers. Due to the reduced thickness of the bottle walls with respect to those of the samples used during the first part of the research, specimens were subjected to a different stress state during the fracture tests. Extensive plastic deformation was detected during in-air tests and, consequently, a different strategy, based on the J-integral approach, was used for the data analysis. As already observed with thick samples in the presence of the active environments, ESC occurred. Finally, tests conducted on compression moulded samples with a thickness comparable to the bottle wall showed that some difference, related to the different crystallinity degree of the two kind of samples, could be observed in the in-air fracture behaviour; for what concerns the in-environment behaviour, instead, practically no differences were detected with respect to the samples obtained from the bottles. This findings constitute an important result since they could lead to a saving of time and money during the phase of material ranking and selection, as there is no need to manufacture bottles of a given material to obtain information on their expected lifetime.
Il polietilene ad alta densità (HDPE) è un polimero ampiamente utilizzato in diverse applicazioni nel settore del packaging. Durante la vita di servizio di un imballo, questo può entrare in contatto con alcune sostanze, come la candeggina, che, interagendo chimicamente e fisicamente con il polimero, possono alterarne le proprietà meccaniche causando un cedimento prematuro dell’imballo stesso. A causa dell’elevato numero di ingredienti presenti in una candeggina commerciale, la determinazione del loro effetto sulle proprietà meccaniche del polietilene e l’identificazione della natura della loro interazione con il polimero stesso risulta essere di particolare interesse per descrivere in modo appropriato i fenomeni che avvengono durante la vita di servizio dell’imballo. Bisogna infatti considerare che alcune sostanze come l’ipoclorito di sodio possono interagire chimicamente con il materiale causandone l’ossidazione mentre i tensioattivi possono essere assorbiti dal materiale in prossimità di un difetto favorendo lo sgrovigliamento delle catene polimeriche e causando un fenomeno chiamato Environmental Stress Cracking (ESC). Tuttavia a causa della differente natura di questi tipi di interazione e a causa del diverso tempo necessario affinché queste abbiano un’influenza sulle proprietà meccaniche del materiale, non è facile prevedere se entrambi i meccanismi siano attivi durante la vita di servizio di un flacone di candeggina. Per queste ragioni, durante questo studio, questi due fenomeni sono stati studiati in modo separato. Per valutare l’entità dell’interazione chimica, i campioni sono stati esposti a diverse soluzioni contenenti varie combinazioni degli ingredienti contenuti in una candeggina commerciale per diversi periodi di tempo, valutando l’evoluzione di alcune proprietà dopo l’esposizione. Alla fine di questa caratterizzazione è stato misurato un esiguo aumento della massa dei materiali considerati, dovuto all’assorbimento delle soluzioni, mentre non è stato misurato alcun effetto sulle proprietà di trazione e sulla resistenza al graffio; si è quindi giunti alla conclusione che, in termini pratici, un’eventuale interazione chimica tra candeggina e polietilene ha effetti del tutto trascurabili sul comportamento del flacone per tutta la durata della sua vita di servizio. Per quanto riguarda l’ESC, invece, sono state condotte delle prove di frattura, in aria e in presenza delle diverse soluzioni, su provini spessi 11 mm, ottenuti per stampaggio a compressione. L’influenza dei vari ingredienti della candeggina sulle fasi di innesco e di propagazione della frattura è stato valutato con un metodo basato sulla Meccanica della Frattura Lineare Elastica (LEFM). Si è osservato che, in presenza degli ambienti attivi, dopo un certo tempo di interazione chimica e al di sotto di una velocità di propagazione critica, la cricca innesca in tempi inferiori e propaga a velocità maggiori rispetto a quanto osservabile durante le prove in aria. È stato inoltre applicato uno schema di riduzione dei dati basato sul principio di sovrapposizione tempo-temperatura per prevedere il comportamento a frattura e la resistenza a ESC a lungo termine dei materiali considerati. In seguito, è stato analizzato l’effetto del processo produttivo ricavando dei campioni direttamente dai flaconi. A causa del ridotto spessore della bottiglia rispetto a quello dei provini utilizzati durante la prima parte di questo lavoro, il materiale si trova in uno stato di sforzo diverso durante i test di frattura. È stata inoltre osservata la formazione di una estesa zona plastica durante i test in aria e, di conseguenza, si è deciso di utilizzare una differente strategia, basata sull’integrale J, per l’analisi dei dati. Come per i provini più spessi, in presenza di un ambiente attivo il fenomeno dell’ESC può essere osservato. Infine, sono stati condotti alcuni test su provini stampati a compressione aventi uno spessore paragonabile a quello delle bottiglie osservando come siano presenti delle differenze, legate al diverso grado di cristallinità dei due tipi di provino, per quanto riguarda il comportamento a frattura in aria; considerando invece il comportamento in ambiente attivo si è osservato che queste differenze tendono ad assottigliarsi. Questo fatto potrebbe portare a un notevole risparmio di tempo e denaro durante la fase di ranking e selezione di materiali in quanto potrebbe non essere necessario condurre test sui flaconi veri e propri.
Long term fracture behaviour of HDPE for household detergent containers: a study on environmental stress cracking
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a polymer widely used for many packaging applications. During its service life a container can be exposed to substances, like commercial bleach, which, interacting chemically and physically with the polymer, can alter its mechanical properties and can lead to a premature failure of the container itself. Due to the great number of ingredients present in a typical commercial bleach, the determination of their individual effect on the mechanical properties of the polymer and the identification of the nature of their interaction is of particular interest to properly describe the occurring phenomena. In fact, it has to be considered that substances like sodium hypochlorite can interact chemically with the polyethylene causing its oxidation, while surfactants can be absorbed by the material in proximity of a defect thus favouring a phenomenon called Environmental Stress Cracking (ESC). However, due to the different nature of the two interactions and to the different amount of time required for their occurrence, it is not straightforward to predict which mechanism would be active under given conditions. For these reasons, in this study, the two phenomena were considered separately. To evaluate the extent of the chemical interaction, HDPE samples were exposed to several solutions containing combinations of bleach ingredients for different amounts of time and the evolution of several properties was monitored at regular intervals. At the end of this characterization only a negligible increase of the sample mass, related to the absorption of the solution, was measured while no effect on tensile and scratch resistance properties was detected; it was hence concluded that negligible chemical interaction could occur during the time range considered, corresponding to the expected bottle service life. For what concerns ESC, instead, fracture tests were conducted on 11 mm thick compression moulded samples both in air and in the presence of the various environments. The influence of the bleach ingredients on the initiation and propagation phases of fracture was evaluated adopting a method based on Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM). It was observed that in presence of the considered environments, after a critical interaction time and below a critical propagation speed, the crack initiated earlier and propagated faster with respect to that observed in air. A time-temperature superposition reduction scheme was also adopted to predict the long term fracture and ESC resistance of the materials under study. Subsequently, the effect of the production process was also studied obtaining samples directly from the bleach containers. Due to the reduced thickness of the bottle walls with respect to those of the samples used during the first part of the research, specimens were subjected to a different stress state during the fracture tests. Extensive plastic deformation was detected during in-air tests and, consequently, a different strategy, based on the J-integral approach, was used for the data analysis. As already observed with thick samples in the presence of the active environments, ESC occurred. Finally, tests conducted on compression moulded samples with a thickness comparable to the bottle wall showed that some difference, related to the different crystallinity degree of the two kind of samples, could be observed in the in-air fracture behaviour; for what concerns the in-environment behaviour, instead, practically no differences were detected with respect to the samples obtained from the bottles. This findings constitute an important result since they could lead to a saving of time and money during the phase of material ranking and selection, as there is no need to manufacture bottles of a given material to obtain information on their expected lifetime.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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