Computed tomography is a radiodiagnostic investigation technique which, by means of a computer-generated analysis of the attenuation of an X-ray beam passing through a body section, is capable of reproducing sectional and three-dimensional images. The introduction of the DICOM format (Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine), the standard format for saving these images, has made it possible to obtain examinable and transferable files containing medical information, giving birth to the Medical Imaging. The term Medical Imaging refers to the generic process through which it is possible to create a visual representation of the function of some organs or tissues and to dare to examine the areas of an organism not visible from the outside. It tries to reveal the internal structures hidden by the skin and bones, in addition to diagnosing and treating diseases. Moreover, it also establishes a database of the normal anatomy and physiology of an organism, to allow the identification of anomalies. The visualization of medical images therefore represents a fundamental weapon, whose use can be effective in the field of research, diagnosis and medical planning. Today, with modern technologies, we are able not only to access simple two-dimensional images, but we are capable of obtaining three-dimensional volumetric reconstructions, which allow us to have new and different approaches for observing the organism. If we combine this with the important advances made by virtual reality in the last decade (advances that have made this technology easily accessible and available to the public), we can now transport the visualization on a new front: Virtual Reality Medical Imaging. The purpose of this paper is to present a prototype, also available for medium/low range viewers, which, starting from a series of computed tomography (CT) or a Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) images in DICOM format relating to a single anatomical plane, allows, in virtual reality, the visualization of the images deriving from the reconstruction of the three main anatomical planes (axial, sagittal and coronal) and the examination of the 3D model obtained from the same series of files. The test results showed good performances, in relation to short-term uses, on low-end viewers such as Oculus GO, envisaging an optimal use of the software on mid-range all-in-one viewers such as Oculus Quest, which would allow medical visualization in virtual reality to be more easily accessible, both in the medical field and in private use.
La tomografia computerizzata è una tecnica di indagine radiodiagnostica che, mediante un'analisi generata a computer dell'attenuazione di un fascio di raggi X passanti attraverso una sezione corporea, è in grado di riprodurne le immagini in sezione e quelle tridimensionali. L'introduzione del formato DICOM (Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine), il formato standard per il salvataggio di queste immagini, ha permesso di ottenere dei file esaminabili e trasferibili contenenti informazioni mediche, dando così i natali al Medical Imaging. Con il termine Medical Imaging ci si riferisce al generico processo attraverso il quale è possibile creare una rappresentazione visiva della funzione di alcuni organi o tessuti e dare la possibilità di esaminare aree di un organismo non visibili dall'esterno. Esso cerca di rivelare le strutture interne nascoste dalla pelle e dalle ossa, oltre a diagnosticare e curare le malattie. Inoltre, istituisce anche un database della normale anatomia e fisiologia di un organismo, per consentire l'identificazione di anomalie. La visualizzazione di immagini mediche rappresenta quindi una fondamentale arma, il cui impiego può risultare efficace nel campo della ricerca, della diagnosi e della pianificazione medica. Oggi, con le moderne tecnologie, siamo in grado non solo di accedere alle semplici immagini bidimensionali, bensì siamo capaci di ottenere ricostruzioni volumetriche tridimensionali, che permettono di avere nuovi e diversi approcci per l'osservazione dell'organismo. Se uniamo questo, agli importanti progressi fatti dalla realtà virtuale nell'ultima decade (progressi che hanno reso questa tecnologia di facile accesso e reperibilità al pubblico), possiamo ora trasportare la visualizzazione su un nuovo fronte: il Virtual Reality Medical Imaging. Lo scopo di questo elaborato è quello di presentare un prototipo, disponibile anche per visori di fascia medio/bassa, che, partendo da una serie di immagini di tomografia computerizzata (CT) o di tomografia computerizzata ad emissione di positroni (PET/CT) in formato DICOM relative ad un solo piano anatomico, permetta, in realtà virtuale, la visualizzazione delle immagini derivanti dalla ricostruzione dei tre principali piani anatomici (assiale, sagittale e coronale) e l'esaminazione del modello 3D ricavato sempre dalla stessa serie di file. I risultati dei test hanno mostrato una buona resa, relativamente ad utilizzi di breve durata, su visori di fascia economica come Oculus GO, prospettando quindi un'ottimale impiego del software su visori all-in-one di fascia media come Oculus Quest, cosa che permetterebbe alla visualizzazione medica in realtà virtuale di essere più facilmente accessibile, sia in campo medicale sia in uso privato.
Realtà virtuale per la visualizzazione interattiva di ricostruzioni tridimensionali da tomografia ad emissione di positroni
Computed tomography is a radiodiagnostic investigation technique which, by means of a computer-generated analysis of the attenuation of an X-ray beam passing through a body section, is capable of reproducing sectional and three-dimensional images. The introduction of the DICOM format (Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine), the standard format for saving these images, has made it possible to obtain examinable and transferable files containing medical information, giving birth to the Medical Imaging. The term Medical Imaging refers to the generic process through which it is possible to create a visual representation of the function of some organs or tissues and to dare to examine the areas of an organism not visible from the outside. It tries to reveal the internal structures hidden by the skin and bones, in addition to diagnosing and treating diseases. Moreover, it also establishes a database of the normal anatomy and physiology of an organism, to allow the identification of anomalies. The visualization of medical images therefore represents a fundamental weapon, whose use can be effective in the field of research, diagnosis and medical planning. Today, with modern technologies, we are able not only to access simple two-dimensional images, but we are capable of obtaining three-dimensional volumetric reconstructions, which allow us to have new and different approaches for observing the organism. If we combine this with the important advances made by virtual reality in the last decade (advances that have made this technology easily accessible and available to the public), we can now transport the visualization on a new front: Virtual Reality Medical Imaging. The purpose of this paper is to present a prototype, also available for medium/low range viewers, which, starting from a series of computed tomography (CT) or a Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) images in DICOM format relating to a single anatomical plane, allows, in virtual reality, the visualization of the images deriving from the reconstruction of the three main anatomical planes (axial, sagittal and coronal) and the examination of the 3D model obtained from the same series of files. The test results showed good performances, in relation to short-term uses, on low-end viewers such as Oculus GO, envisaging an optimal use of the software on mid-range all-in-one viewers such as Oculus Quest, which would allow medical visualization in virtual reality to be more easily accessible, both in the medical field and in private use.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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