Floquet theory was introduced to aid the study of periodical systems. A laser impinging onto a material is able to provide this periodicity. Yet, some applications such as ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy require few-cycle pulses, which can be so short (few femtoseconds) to be no longer periodic. In this thesis we wish to verify whether Floquet theory may still be applied in the case of ultrashort pulses. We employ a pump-probe spectroscopy technique on a Ne gas target. Two sets of pulses are produced: the probe, in the extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) range, and the pump, in the infrared (IR) region. Our aim is to verify the system behaviour as a function of the IR intensity for long IR pulses, and to investigate the effect of a finite driving pulse on the induced Floquet states. In our setup, the probe is generated through High-order Harmonic Generation and selected through a Time Delay-Compensated Monochromator. The pump passes through a hollow-core fibre compression setup and through a delay stage. The two beams meet in a Time-of-Flight spectrometer, where the XUV pulses ionise the gas, producing free electrons which constitute the main band, and the IR beam dresses the states of the systems, generating multiple sidebands. When this is done for many time delays, it results in a spectrogram, which is analysed together with the figures of merit of the two beams. One of the methods employed to retrieve the pulse characteristics is a custom algorithm named STRIPE. Then, we study the theoretical aspect of the problem, starting from the Strong Field Approximation and performing a frequency expansion considering Gaussian pulses. In the long IR range we describe sideband amplitudes with generalised Bessel functions depending on the IR intensity. In the short IR range, we find that the amplitude of the dressed states decreases with short IR pulses. When comparing these descriptions to the acquired data, we find a good agreement (aside from a correction factor) in the long IR range. In the short IR range we can reconstruct the general trend through STRIPE, but the actual values are different due to unforeseen variations in IR intensity and wavelength, which can be accounted for in a more sophisticated data analysis. This work will impact the study of Floquet engineering and of the ultrafast behaviour of novel materials for electronics.
La teoria di Floquet fu introdotta per lo studio di sistemi periodici, come quelli generati da un laser incidente su un materiale. Tuttavia, alcune applicazioni come gli esperimenti di pompa-sonda ultraveloci richiedono impulsi a pochi cicli, che risultano così brevi (pochi femtosecondi) da non essere più periodici. In questa tesi verificheremo se la teoria di Floquet possa essere ancora applicata in caso di impulsi ultrabrevi. Impieghiamo una tecnica di spettroscopia pompa-sonda su un bersaglio di Ne in stato di gas. Vengono generati due set di impulsi: la sonda nell'estremo ultravioletto (XUV), e la pompa nell'infrarosso (IR). Il nostro scopo è verificare il comportamento del sistema in funzione dell'intensità dell'IR per impulsi IR lunghi, e indagare l'effetto di impulsi finiti sugli stati di Floquet indotti. Nel setup, la pompa è prodotta tramite generazione di armoniche di ordine elevato e selezionata da un monocromatore compensato in tempo. La sonda invece passa attraverso un sistema di compressione a fibra cava e un ritardatore. I due fasci si incontrano in uno spettrometro a tempo di volo, in cui gli impulsi XUV ionizzano il gas, creando elettroni liberi che compongono la banda principale, e il fascio IR veste gli stati del sistema, popolando più bande laterali. Se svolto per più ritardi temporali ciò genera uno spettrogramma, analizzato assieme alle figure di merito dei due fasci. Uno dei metodi impiegati per ricavare le caratteristiche degli impulsi è un apposito algoritmo chiamato STRIPE. Andiamo poi a studiare l'aspetto teorico del problema iniziando dall'Approssimazione di Campo Forte per poi eseguire un'espansione in frequenza considerando impulsi gaussiani. Per impulsi IR lunghi possiamo descrivere le ampiezze delle bande con funzioni generalizzate di Bessel dipendenti dall'intensità dell'IR. Per impulsi IR brevi troviamo una decrescita di ampiezze degli stati vestiti a durate più brevi. Comparando queste descrizioni con i dati acquisiti abbiamo un buon accordo (a meno di un fattore correttivo) per impulsi IR lunghi. Per impulsi IR brevi riusciamo a ricostruire l'andamento generale attraverso STRIPE, ma i valori effettivi sono differenti a causa di variazioni impreviste di lunghezza d'onda e intensità dell'IR. Questo lavoro avrà un impatto sull'ingegneria di Floquet e lo studio del comportamento ultraveloce di nuovi materiali per l'elettronica.
Light-induced Floquet states with few-femtosecond pulses
Talarico, Matteo
Floquet theory was introduced to aid the study of periodical systems. A laser impinging onto a material is able to provide this periodicity. Yet, some applications such as ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy require few-cycle pulses, which can be so short (few femtoseconds) to be no longer periodic. In this thesis we wish to verify whether Floquet theory may still be applied in the case of ultrashort pulses. We employ a pump-probe spectroscopy technique on a Ne gas target. Two sets of pulses are produced: the probe, in the extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) range, and the pump, in the infrared (IR) region. Our aim is to verify the system behaviour as a function of the IR intensity for long IR pulses, and to investigate the effect of a finite driving pulse on the induced Floquet states. In our setup, the probe is generated through High-order Harmonic Generation and selected through a Time Delay-Compensated Monochromator. The pump passes through a hollow-core fibre compression setup and through a delay stage. The two beams meet in a Time-of-Flight spectrometer, where the XUV pulses ionise the gas, producing free electrons which constitute the main band, and the IR beam dresses the states of the systems, generating multiple sidebands. When this is done for many time delays, it results in a spectrogram, which is analysed together with the figures of merit of the two beams. One of the methods employed to retrieve the pulse characteristics is a custom algorithm named STRIPE. Then, we study the theoretical aspect of the problem, starting from the Strong Field Approximation and performing a frequency expansion considering Gaussian pulses. In the long IR range we describe sideband amplitudes with generalised Bessel functions depending on the IR intensity. In the short IR range, we find that the amplitude of the dressed states decreases with short IR pulses. When comparing these descriptions to the acquired data, we find a good agreement (aside from a correction factor) in the long IR range. In the short IR range we can reconstruct the general trend through STRIPE, but the actual values are different due to unforeseen variations in IR intensity and wavelength, which can be accounted for in a more sophisticated data analysis. This work will impact the study of Floquet engineering and of the ultrafast behaviour of novel materials for electronics.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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