Quantification of joint laxity is a critical issue in case of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury and surgery. In fact, ACL laxity measure serves in diagnosis, in evaluation of the severity of the ligament injury and also intraoperatively and postoperatively to quantify the surgery outcome. Speaking of knee joint laxity it is important to discern static and dynamic laxity. Static laxity involves only one degree of freedom while dynamic laxity involves the whole joint kinematics and it is frequently presented as a symptom such as the feeling of giving away. The simplest tests that are able to assess knee static laxity are Lachman, Drawer and Varus-Valgus test. On the other hand, Pivot-Shift (PS) test highlights the dynamic behavior of the knee joint. Even if the static laxity tests are simple to perform and Lachman test is the most sensitive test in ACL diagnosis their outcomes result poorly correlate with symptoms, instability and patient's satisfaction. Contrary to the static laxity test, PS test results to be correlated with joint instability, relief of symptoms, functional outcomes and patient's satisfaction after ACL reconstructive surgery. Moreover it represents the most common symptom associated with ACL injury. Currently, the ability to perform a correct diagnose of the injury severity as well as quantification of recovery after surgical treatment is mainly based on the surgeon's sensibility in interpreting the clinical examination. In fact, the main problem in the use of PS test is its complexity which makes itself a surgeon-subjective clinical examination. To overcome this limit, during the last decades different kinds of arthrometers have been developed. However these tools are only able to measure the anterior-posterior laxity and not the dynamic rotation highlighted by the pivot-shift. Since the PS is a complex phenomenon that involves the whole joint kinematics, the idea is that a dynamic signal, such as the acceleration, can hold the information necessary to make a proper joint dynamic assessment. The main goal was to define a method able to quantify dynamic laxity analyzing the acceleration reached by the joint during PS test. In order to be used during the clinical practice it is important that the purposed device results to be non-invasive, economically convenient, simple to be used and able to perform an automatic diagnosis with reproducible results. Chapter 3 reports the design and development of a simple and non-invasive sensor for knee dynamic laxity assessment. The purposed device for dynamic laxity assessment consists in a tri-axial accelerometer skin fixed to the lateral aspect of the tibia by a hypoallergenic strap. The accelerometer was wireless connected to a tablet computer, provided by a specifically designed software, that was then commercially developed. The designed software specifically gave the possibility of automatically detecting the PS signal and extracting the defined laxity parameters. Given that, it allowed the automatic quantification of the PS phenomenon analyzing the recorded signal while executing PS-test itself. Chapter 4 specifies the characteristics of the enrolled patients in the present work. Chapters 5-6 describe the technical and clinical validation of the developed method. The validation is based on four scientific publications (Study I-IV). In details, a signal template, which reproduced the 3D acceleration average trend while PS phenomenon occurs, was passed along the whole signal in order to recognize the presence of similar patterns. The recognition of the signal interesting share was based on the calculation of the Pearson's correlation coefficient between the template and the corresponding part of the windowed signal. The followed methodology has assured a recognition of PS repetitions with an accuracy of 96.7%, a sensitivity of 81.7% and a specificity of 99.3%. The results confirmed that it can be considered as a valid method for the automatic screening of the acceleration signal during PS test (Study I). Within the acceleration signal different parameters were identified as significant: the maximum, the minimum, the range and the averaged jerk between the maximum and minimum. The proposed method was tested in different clinical studies, aimed to highlight: (i) the influence of the muscular contraction and guarding during the acquisition; (ii) the reliability of the defined parameters in detecting ACL lesion; (iii) the comparison with a navigation system used as a gold-standard for PS quantification. All the clinical evaluations were performed at Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (Bologna, Italy). In order to evaluate the applicability of the purposed device in the clinical practice as well as in the operating room, the influence of the anesthesia on the purposed method was also analyzed confirming that the there were not statistical significant differences between pre-to-post anesthesia for the defined laxity parameters (Study II). The clinical validation was performed on sixty-six consecutive patients who underwent ACL reconstructive surgery (Study III). The PS test was executed by an expert surgeon before the surgery and after the fixation of the graft, as well. PS test was repeated three times on both injured and controlateral limbs. The method showed a good reliability as the mean intraclass correlation coefficient was equal to 0.79. Moreover, the ACL-deficient knees presented statistically higher values for the identified parameters than the controlateral healthy limbs. A validation of the purposed device has been performed using a commercially available navigation system (Study IV). An expert surgeon intraoperatively executed the PS test on fifteen patients before ACL reconstruction surgery. The anteroposterior tibial acceleration calculated by the navigation system and the acceleration obtained by the non-invasive sensor were compared obtaining a good direct correlation between them (rs=0.72, P<0.05). Even the evaluation of the soft tissues artifacts was assessed underlining a RMS displacement equal to (4.9±2.6) mm. The obtained results confirmed the feasibility of the purposed method in dynamic laxity assessment during the whole patient evaluation in clinical practice and operating room, as well. It is worth noting that the described method represents a simple solution in case of ACL injury which may help the surgeon in quantify the dynamic laxity without requiring excessive expenditure of costs and time. The non-invasiveness of the tool has the dual advantage of allowing both the comparison injured-to-controlateral joint as well as the applicability even in the private practice were the CAS system are useless. The surgeons need and are ready to obtain quantitative evaluation about knee laxity and this approach results useful in customizing the surgical approach and treatment plans be patient-specific. In conclusion the presented device represented a reliable, not-expensive, simple to use quantitative aid in the preoperative and non-invasive ACL injury evaluation. It can be also used during the intraoperative dynamic laxity evaluation and for the assessment of functional recovery during follow-up controls, as well.
La quantificazione della lassità articolare è un punto critico in caso di lesione del Legamento Crociato Anteriore (LCA) e successiva chirurgia ricostruttiva. Infatti, la misura della lassità dell’LCA serve sia preoperatoriamente per la valutazione dell’entità della lesione, che durante e dopo l'intervento l'intervento chirurgico al fine di quantificarne il risultato. Considerando la lassità articolare del ginocchio è importante discernere tra lassismo statico e dinamico. La lassità statica coinvolge un solo grado di libertà mentre la lassità dinamica riguarda l'intera cinematica articolare ed è spesso presentata come un sintomo, ovvero come la sensazione di “giving away”. I test più semplici capaci di valutare la lassità statica del ginocchio sono il Lachman test, il test del cassetto e il varo-valgo test. Diversamente, il Pivot-Shift (PS) test evidenzia il comportamento dinamico del ginocchio. I test clinici statici, pur risultando di semplice esecuzione presentano risultati poco correlati con i sintomi, l'instabilità e la soddisfazione percepita del paziente. Inoltre, il Lachman test risulta essere il test più sensibile nella diagnosi di lesione di LCA, Contrariamente, i risultati del PS test risultano correlati con l’instabilità articolare, i sintomi, i risultati funzionali e la soddisfazione del paziente in seguito a lesione e ricostruzione del legamento lesionato. Inoltre, il PS è considerato il sintomo più comunemente associato ad una lesione di LCA. Attualmente, la capacità di eseguire una corretta diagnosi della gravità della lesione legamentosa così come la quantificazione del recupero dopo il trattamento chirurgico si basa principalmente sulla sensibilità del chirurgo nell'interpretare il risultato dell'esame clinico. Infatti, la problematica principale legata all’uso del PS test è la sua complessità la quale determina un interpretazione del risultato altamente soggettiva. L Per superare questo limite, negli ultimi decenni sono stati sviluppati differenti tipi di artrometri. Tuttavia, questi strumenti sono in grado di misurare la lassità anteroposteriore e non la rotazione dinamica evidenziata dal PS. Dal momento che il PS è un fenomeno complesso che coinvolge tutta la cinematica articolare , l' idea di base del presente lavoro è che un segnale dinamico, ad esempio l'accelerazione, possa contenere le informazioni necessarie per effettuare una corretta valutazione quantitativa della lassità dinamica dell’articolazione. L'obiettivo principale del lavoro è stata la definizione di un metodo in grado di quantificare la lassità dinamica del ginocchio analizzando l'accelerazione raggiunta dall’articolazione durante il test del PS . Al fine di poter essere utilizzato durante la pratica clinica è importante che il device proposto risulti essere non invasivo, economicamente conveniente, semplice da utilizzare e in grado effettuare una diagnosi automatica con risultati riproducibili. Il Capitolo 3 della tesi riporta la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un sensore semplice e non invasivo per effettuare la valutazione della lassità dinamica. Il dispositivo proposto consiste in accelerometro triassiale fissato alla pelle del paziente mediante un apposito cinturino anallergico. L'accelerometro è collegato wireless ad un tablet il quale è fornito di un software specificatamente sviluppato. Il software offre la possibilità di rilevare automaticamente il segnale PS ed estrarre i parametri di lassità definiti, permettendo quindi la quantificazione automatica del fenomeno. Il Capitolo 4 specifica le caratteristiche dei pazienti arruolati nel presente lavoro. I Capitoli 5-6 descrivono la validazione sia tecnica che clinica del metodo sviluppato. La validazione si basa su quattro pubblicazioni scientifiche (Study I- IV). Nel dettaglio, un template riproducente l’andamento dell’accelerazione 3D durante il fenomeno del PS, viene fatto scorrere lungo l'intero segnale per riconoscere la presenza di modelli simili. Il riconoscimento è basato sul calcolo del coefficiente di correlazione di Pearson tra il template e la parte corrispondente del segnale analizzato durante il test. La metodologia seguita assicura un riconoscimento delle ripetizioni del PS test con una precisione del 96,7 %, una sensibilità dell’ 81,7 % ed un specificità del 99,3% . I risultati confermano la validità del metodo il quale può essere utilizzato per lo screening automatico del segnale di accelerazione durante il test del PS (Studio I). I parametri di lassità individuati come significativi e determinati sul segnale dell'accelerazione, sono: il valore massimo, il minimo, il range (massimo –minimo) e il valore medio del jerk calcolato nella porzione di segnale compresa tra il valore massimo ed il valore minimo ottenuti durante l’esecuzione del test. Gli studi clinici effettuati sono principalemente finalizzati ad evidenziare: (i) l’influenza della contrazione muscolare durante l' acquisizione; (ii) l'affidabilità dei parametri definiti per il rilevamento di una lesione di LCA, (iii) la validazione con un sistema di navigazione considerato come gold standard per la quantificazione del PS test. Tutte le valutazioni cliniche sono state effettuate presso l'Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (Bologna, Italia). Per valutare l'applicabilità del dispositivo proposto nella pratica clinica nonché in sala operatoria, è stata analizzata anche l’influenza dell'anestesia sulle misure eseguite. Nessuna differenza statisticamente significativa è stata rilevata nel confronto pre-/post-anestesia (Study II) . La validazione clinica è stata eseguita su sessantasei pazienti consecutivi sottoposti a chirurgia ricostruttiva di LCA (Study III). Il test del PS è stato eseguito da un chirurgo esperto prima e dopo dell'intervento ricostruttivo. Inoltre, in fase preoperatoria, il test è stato ripetuto tre volte su entrambe le articolazioni (controlaterale e ipsilaterale). Il metodo ha mostrato una buona affidabilità mostrando un ICC medio stato pari a 0,79 . Inoltre, le articolazioni con lesione di LCA hanno presentato valori di lassità statisticamente più elevati rispetto alle articolazioni controlaterali. Come precedentemente citato, la validazione del dispositivo proposto è stata eseguita utilizzando un sistema di navigazione chirurgico (Study IV). Anche in questo caso un chirurgo esperto ha eseguito il test del PS durante l’intervento di ricostruzione su quindici pazienti. Sono stati confrontati i valori di accelerazione antero-posteriore tibiale calcolata dal sitema di navigazione e l'accelerazione ottenuta dal sensore non invasivo proposto. Si è ottenuta una buona correlazione tra i valori confrontati ( rs = 0.72 , P _ 00:05 ). E’stata valutata inoltre la presenza di artefatti dovuti ai tessuti molli evidenziando un RMS dello spostamento pari a (4,9 ± 2,6 ) mm. I risultati ottenuti confermano la validità del metodo proposto al fine di effettuare una valutazione della lassità dinamica durante la l’intera valutazione del paziente sia in fase ambulatoriale che in ambito chirurgico. Vale la pena notare che il metodo descritto consiste in una semplice soluzione in caso di lesione del LCA che può aiutare il chirurgo nel quantificare la lassità dinamica senza richiedere eccessivo dispendio di costi e tempi. La non invasività dello strumento ha il duplice vantaggio di consentire sia il confronto ipsilaterale/controlaterale che l'applicabilità in ambito ambulatoriale dove i sistemi di navigazione chirurgica sono inutilizzabili. In conclusione, il chirurgo ha bisogno di ottenere una valutazione quantitativa della lassità dinamica dell’articolazione del ginocchio e questo approccio risulta un valido aiuto al fine di personalizzazione sempre di più l’approccio chirurgico offrendo un aiuto affidabile, non costoso e di semplice utilizzo da impiegarsi durante l’intero percorso di diagnosi.
Innovative method for non-invasive pivot shift test quantification
Quantification of joint laxity is a critical issue in case of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury and surgery. In fact, ACL laxity measure serves in diagnosis, in evaluation of the severity of the ligament injury and also intraoperatively and postoperatively to quantify the surgery outcome. Speaking of knee joint laxity it is important to discern static and dynamic laxity. Static laxity involves only one degree of freedom while dynamic laxity involves the whole joint kinematics and it is frequently presented as a symptom such as the feeling of giving away. The simplest tests that are able to assess knee static laxity are Lachman, Drawer and Varus-Valgus test. On the other hand, Pivot-Shift (PS) test highlights the dynamic behavior of the knee joint. Even if the static laxity tests are simple to perform and Lachman test is the most sensitive test in ACL diagnosis their outcomes result poorly correlate with symptoms, instability and patient's satisfaction. Contrary to the static laxity test, PS test results to be correlated with joint instability, relief of symptoms, functional outcomes and patient's satisfaction after ACL reconstructive surgery. Moreover it represents the most common symptom associated with ACL injury. Currently, the ability to perform a correct diagnose of the injury severity as well as quantification of recovery after surgical treatment is mainly based on the surgeon's sensibility in interpreting the clinical examination. In fact, the main problem in the use of PS test is its complexity which makes itself a surgeon-subjective clinical examination. To overcome this limit, during the last decades different kinds of arthrometers have been developed. However these tools are only able to measure the anterior-posterior laxity and not the dynamic rotation highlighted by the pivot-shift. Since the PS is a complex phenomenon that involves the whole joint kinematics, the idea is that a dynamic signal, such as the acceleration, can hold the information necessary to make a proper joint dynamic assessment. The main goal was to define a method able to quantify dynamic laxity analyzing the acceleration reached by the joint during PS test. In order to be used during the clinical practice it is important that the purposed device results to be non-invasive, economically convenient, simple to be used and able to perform an automatic diagnosis with reproducible results. Chapter 3 reports the design and development of a simple and non-invasive sensor for knee dynamic laxity assessment. The purposed device for dynamic laxity assessment consists in a tri-axial accelerometer skin fixed to the lateral aspect of the tibia by a hypoallergenic strap. The accelerometer was wireless connected to a tablet computer, provided by a specifically designed software, that was then commercially developed. The designed software specifically gave the possibility of automatically detecting the PS signal and extracting the defined laxity parameters. Given that, it allowed the automatic quantification of the PS phenomenon analyzing the recorded signal while executing PS-test itself. Chapter 4 specifies the characteristics of the enrolled patients in the present work. Chapters 5-6 describe the technical and clinical validation of the developed method. The validation is based on four scientific publications (Study I-IV). In details, a signal template, which reproduced the 3D acceleration average trend while PS phenomenon occurs, was passed along the whole signal in order to recognize the presence of similar patterns. The recognition of the signal interesting share was based on the calculation of the Pearson's correlation coefficient between the template and the corresponding part of the windowed signal. The followed methodology has assured a recognition of PS repetitions with an accuracy of 96.7%, a sensitivity of 81.7% and a specificity of 99.3%. The results confirmed that it can be considered as a valid method for the automatic screening of the acceleration signal during PS test (Study I). Within the acceleration signal different parameters were identified as significant: the maximum, the minimum, the range and the averaged jerk between the maximum and minimum. The proposed method was tested in different clinical studies, aimed to highlight: (i) the influence of the muscular contraction and guarding during the acquisition; (ii) the reliability of the defined parameters in detecting ACL lesion; (iii) the comparison with a navigation system used as a gold-standard for PS quantification. All the clinical evaluations were performed at Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (Bologna, Italy). In order to evaluate the applicability of the purposed device in the clinical practice as well as in the operating room, the influence of the anesthesia on the purposed method was also analyzed confirming that the there were not statistical significant differences between pre-to-post anesthesia for the defined laxity parameters (Study II). The clinical validation was performed on sixty-six consecutive patients who underwent ACL reconstructive surgery (Study III). The PS test was executed by an expert surgeon before the surgery and after the fixation of the graft, as well. PS test was repeated three times on both injured and controlateral limbs. The method showed a good reliability as the mean intraclass correlation coefficient was equal to 0.79. Moreover, the ACL-deficient knees presented statistically higher values for the identified parameters than the controlateral healthy limbs. A validation of the purposed device has been performed using a commercially available navigation system (Study IV). An expert surgeon intraoperatively executed the PS test on fifteen patients before ACL reconstruction surgery. The anteroposterior tibial acceleration calculated by the navigation system and the acceleration obtained by the non-invasive sensor were compared obtaining a good direct correlation between them (rs=0.72, P<0.05). Even the evaluation of the soft tissues artifacts was assessed underlining a RMS displacement equal to (4.9±2.6) mm. The obtained results confirmed the feasibility of the purposed method in dynamic laxity assessment during the whole patient evaluation in clinical practice and operating room, as well. It is worth noting that the described method represents a simple solution in case of ACL injury which may help the surgeon in quantify the dynamic laxity without requiring excessive expenditure of costs and time. The non-invasiveness of the tool has the dual advantage of allowing both the comparison injured-to-controlateral joint as well as the applicability even in the private practice were the CAS system are useless. The surgeons need and are ready to obtain quantitative evaluation about knee laxity and this approach results useful in customizing the surgical approach and treatment plans be patient-specific. In conclusion the presented device represented a reliable, not-expensive, simple to use quantitative aid in the preoperative and non-invasive ACL injury evaluation. It can be also used during the intraoperative dynamic laxity evaluation and for the assessment of functional recovery during follow-up controls, as well.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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