At room temperature (RT) EuTiO3 (ETO) is a prototypical perovskite with a long range magnetic order appearing below T_N = 5.5K. The magnetic moments are provided by the Eu ions which arrange in a G-type structure. Due to the strong absorption of natural Eu neutron diffraction experiments on ETO are difficult, data quality is limited and details of the magnetic structures (moment directions) have been refined only very recently, by resonant x-ray diffraction. Below T_N magnetoelectric (ME) properties appear in the ETO dielectric constant dependence versus applied magnetic field. Although no long range order of the electric polarisation is realized, in ETO the microscopic mechanisms source of the ME coupling are still matter of debate. In parallel, a structural phase transition just below RT has been detected and macroscopic magnetic measurements have questioned the magnetic structure deduced by x-rays, proposing a new magnetic phase diagram characterised by a spin-flop state at temperatures close to T_N. Clearly, in this panorama a systematic investigation of the magnetic structure of ETO by a microscopic technique with great thermal stability was necessary in order to suitably clarify the background for the ME properties development. This is the aim of this thesis. In order to achieve our goal we exploited neutron powder diffraction (NPD) technique as an investigation tool, by pushing the technique to its limits. For this reason specific NPD experiments were performed at the very high-resolution diffractometer D2B of the ILL in a special configuration and a new Python code was develop to finely correct the data. Solutions of ETO structures by Rietveld methods are presented together with the experimental methods employed and the correction strategies developed. An extensive investigation of the influence of absorption correction uncertainties due to experimental parameters and specific procedures implemented are discussed. As a result of our work we can state that ETO spin moments always lies in the a,b-plane over the temperature range investigated. We finally discuss the magnitude of the magnetic moment found higher than the values previously reported.
A temperatura ambiente EuTiO3 (ETO) è una perovskite con un ordinamento magnetico di lungo raggio, che appare al di sotto della temperatura di Néel (T_N = 5.5K). Gli ioni magnetici sono gli atomi di Eu, i cui momenti magnetici si allineano in un un struttura di tipo G. A causa del forte assorbimento dell'europio naturale, gli esperimenti di diffrazione da neutroni risultano estremamente difficoltosi e la qualità dei dati è limitata. Infatti i dettagli della struttura magnetica di ETO sono stati rivelati solo di recente attraverso diffrazione risonante da raggi X. Al di sotto di T_N ETO mostra proprietà magnetoelettriche (ME), quali la dipendenza della costante dielettrica dal campo magnetico applicato. I meccanismi microscopici dell'accoppiamente ME sono ancora materia di dibattito. Inoltre una transizione strutturale al di sotto della temperatura ambiente è stata osservata e sulla base misure di magnetometria sono stati sollevati dubbi sulla struttura magnetica determinata attraverso i raggi X. Un nuovo diagramma di fase, che evidenzia uno spin-flop a temperature prossime a T_N, è stato proposto. In questo panorama era necessaria un'indagine sistematica della struttura magnetica di ETO. Questo è lo scopo della tesi e per raggiungerlo si è optato per l'utilizzo della tecnica di diffrazione neutronica da polveri spingendo la tecnica al limite. Per questo le misure sono state realizzate con il diffrattometro ad alta risoluzione D2B a ILL ed un codice per la correzione per assoribimento dei dati è stato sviluppato. I raffinamenti della struttura con il metodo Rietveld, il metodo sperimentale e le strategia di correzione vengono presentati. Sono inoltre discusse l'influenza dell'incertezza sperimentale sulla correzione per assorbimento e le procedure di raffinamento adottate. Sulla base di quanto presentato possiamo affermare che i momenti di spin in ETO giacciano nel piano (a,b) in tutto l'intervallo di temperature analizzato. Infine vengono discussi i valori del momento magnetico ricavati, più alti rispetto a quelli precedentemente riportati.
The magnetic phase diagram of the magnetoelectric EuTiO3 studied by neutron powder diffraction
At room temperature (RT) EuTiO3 (ETO) is a prototypical perovskite with a long range magnetic order appearing below T_N = 5.5K. The magnetic moments are provided by the Eu ions which arrange in a G-type structure. Due to the strong absorption of natural Eu neutron diffraction experiments on ETO are difficult, data quality is limited and details of the magnetic structures (moment directions) have been refined only very recently, by resonant x-ray diffraction. Below T_N magnetoelectric (ME) properties appear in the ETO dielectric constant dependence versus applied magnetic field. Although no long range order of the electric polarisation is realized, in ETO the microscopic mechanisms source of the ME coupling are still matter of debate. In parallel, a structural phase transition just below RT has been detected and macroscopic magnetic measurements have questioned the magnetic structure deduced by x-rays, proposing a new magnetic phase diagram characterised by a spin-flop state at temperatures close to T_N. Clearly, in this panorama a systematic investigation of the magnetic structure of ETO by a microscopic technique with great thermal stability was necessary in order to suitably clarify the background for the ME properties development. This is the aim of this thesis. In order to achieve our goal we exploited neutron powder diffraction (NPD) technique as an investigation tool, by pushing the technique to its limits. For this reason specific NPD experiments were performed at the very high-resolution diffractometer D2B of the ILL in a special configuration and a new Python code was develop to finely correct the data. Solutions of ETO structures by Rietveld methods are presented together with the experimental methods employed and the correction strategies developed. An extensive investigation of the influence of absorption correction uncertainties due to experimental parameters and specific procedures implemented are discussed. As a result of our work we can state that ETO spin moments always lies in the a,b-plane over the temperature range investigated. We finally discuss the magnitude of the magnetic moment found higher than the values previously reported.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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