Sfoglia per Struttura di Ricerca DIPARTIMENTO DI ENERGIA

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Mostrati risultati da 1 a 20 di 356
Fulltext Data Tipo Titolo Autore (i)
2023-07-19 Tesi di Dottorato 1D thermo-fluid dynamic modelling of IC engines and system integration on electrified vehicles Marinoni, Andrea Massimo
2021-09-07 Tesi di Dottorato 3D CFD modelling of premixed combustion in natural gas SI engines Gianetti, Giovanni Gaetano
2015-01-26 Tesi di Dottorato A combined experimental and modelling approach for the improved characterization of high temperature PEM fuel cells BARICCI, ANDREA
2018-12-13 Tesi di Dottorato A modeling and simulation framework for analyzing failures in cyber-physical systems for energy applications WANG, WEI
2016-02-23 Tesi di Dottorato A multi-dimensional approach to the modelling of power plant flexibility GARDUMI, FRANCESCO
2014-03-10 Tesi di Dottorato A new approach to uncertainty evaluation in complex measurement systems PRIOLI, MARCO
2016-02-15 Tesi di Dottorato A novel avalanche-confinement TEPC for microdosimetry at nanometric level BORTOT, DAVIDE
2014-03-14 Tesi di Dottorato A novel detection system for direct and high resolution spectrometry of intense neutron fields LORENZOLI, MICHELE
2016-01-26 Tesi di Dottorato A perspective on metasurfaces, circuits, holograms and invisibility GONANO, CARLO ANDREA
2014-03-26 Tesi di Dottorato A study of alternative desiccant cooling materials and equipment for low temperature trigeneration systems INTINI, MANUEL
2013-03-05 Tesi di Dottorato A study of gaseous transverse injection and mixing process in a simulated engine intake port WANG, HUA
2013-03-26 Tesi di Dottorato A study on the key factors of nuclear power plant performance GHAZY, RASHA
2016-01-27 Tesi di Dottorato Ab initio studies of bulk and defective oxides using nonempirical hybrid density functionals GEROSA, MATTEO
2022-06-13 Tesi di Dottorato Abate the barriers : opening electricity markets to storage and RES Rancilio, Giuliano
2024-05-25 Tesi di Dottorato Advanced algorithms for operating photovoltaic and battery systems within the digital twin framework PETKOVSKI, EMIL
2021-12-16 Tesi di Dottorato Advanced applications of Calcium-Looping for CO2 capture in cement plants and flexible power plants De Lena, Edoardo
2019-04-18 Tesi di Dottorato Advanced control strategies for power converters in AC microgrids BOLZONI, ALBERTO
2016-02-24 Tesi di Dottorato Advanced cubic equations of state for accurate modelling of fluid mixtures. Application to CO2 capture systems LASALA, SILVIA
2019-12-11 Tesi di Dottorato Advanced methodology for study of microgrids including power electronics and hardware-in-the-loop simulation for teaching and analyzing engineering problems HUO, YUJIA
2017-05-08 Tesi di Dottorato Advanced model-based and data-driven methods for prognostics and health management of industrial systems RIGAMONTI, MARCO MICHAEL
Mostrati risultati da 1 a 20 di 356
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