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Mostrati risultati da 46 a 65 di 95
Fulltext Data Tipo Titolo Autore (i)
2021-04-28 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Nanofabrication and characterization of color switching metasurfaces based on 2D phase change perovskites Feltri, Elena
2020-07-24 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Nanoparticle-based detection of metalloproteinases ALOISIO, LUDOVICO
2016-12-21 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Naphthalene-diimide (NDI) based copolymers for organic field effect transistors (OFETS) ASKIN, OZGE
2016-12-21 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Natural resins as dielectric layers in organic field-effect transistors COPPOLA, MARIA ELISABETTA
2011-07-20 Tesi di laurea Magistrale New ternary mixture for polymer solar cells LERARIO, GIOVANNI
2022-10-06 Tesi di laurea Magistrale NIR sensitive polymer nanoparticles for deep tissue photostimulation GUIGLIA, GIOVANNI
2021-02-25 Tesi di Dottorato Non genetic optostimulation for biohybrid light-controlled actuator Vurro, Vito
2019-04-16 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Optical spectroscopy characterization of a P3HT/electrolytic solution interface ROSSI, PIETRO
2010-12-20 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Organic gate dieletrics for tetracene field effect transistors BERTOLAZZI, SIMONE
2015-04-29 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Organic solar cells. Towards printable devices for indoor applications PERINI, CARLO ANDREA RICCARDO
2021-12-21 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Ottimizzazione del differenziamento verso il muscolo scheletrico della linea cellulare C2C12 Bartolozzi, Andrea Massimo
2017-10-03 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Ottimizzazione di celle solari organiche stampate per applicazioni indoor e outdoor INDIRLI, ANTONIO
2019-12-18 Tesi di laurea Magistrale P3HT/water interface pH sensing using functionalized gold nanorods WAGNER, ALESSANDRO
2019-04-16 Tesi di laurea Magistrale PCPDTBT-based nanoparticles as smart photoactive transducers in cellular metabolism GOBBO, FEDERICO
2016-12-21 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Perovskite solar cell with reduced graphene oxide integration KASHI, AMIR ABBAS
2023-05-10 Tesi di Dottorato The photophysics of cell membrane-targeting phototransducers MAGNI, ARIANNA
2018-04-19 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Photothermal deflection spectroscopy for the study of lead halide perovskites MARTANI, SAMUELE
2019-10-03 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) coatings for high quality electromyography recording ROSSETTI, NICOLO'
2020-06-06 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Printed n-type and p-type water gated organic field-effect transistors COLOMBO, ALBERTO
2018-04-19 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Printed water-gated organic transistors based on semiconductor : insulator polymer blends DELLA LUCIA, GIORGIO ANTONIO
Mostrati risultati da 46 a 65 di 95
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