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Mostrati risultati da 61 a 80 di 114
Fulltext Data Tipo Titolo Autore (i)
2013-04-22 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Una framework per testare differenti principi di ottimalità nell’evoluzione geomorfologica del territorio guidata dalla dinamica fluviale MASON, EMANUELECOMINOLA, ANDREA
2021-06-09 Tesi di laurea Magistrale From efficiency to equity, assessing fairness in planning basins development Colombo, Silvia
2024-09-24 Tesi di Dottorato From forecasting to control: the role of machine learning in urban water demand modelling and management across scales HAO, WENJIN
2020-04-29 Tesi di laurea Magistrale From individualism to full cooperation : optimal operation of the Nile River basin storages under varying levels of cooperation TROMBETTA, GIACOMO
2023-05-04 Tesi di laurea Magistrale From multi-decadal energy planning to hourly power dispatch: evaluating the reliability of energy projections in the Southern African power pool LEONI, ARIANNA
2023-05-04 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Graph convolutional neural network for water consumption forecast: an explorative study Ussano, Maria
2019-04-16 Tesi di laurea Magistrale How does uncertainty affect cooperation strategies in transboundary water resources systems ? A case study on the Zambezi river basin CAZZANIGA, SARA
2014-12-18 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Hydro-economic analysis of the adaptation to climate change in the Jucar river system SANGALLI, BEATRICE
2018-04-19 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Hydro-energy systems modeling in the Zambezi river basin : exploring benefits from soft model integration CARLINO, ANGELO
2013-12-17 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Impact of deforestation on local precipitation patterns over the Da River basin, Vietnam SPARTÀ, DANIELE
2014-12-18 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Impacts of land cover change on hydrological regime patterns over the Red River basin, Vietnam : a model based analysis GOFFI, ALESSIA
2023-12-19 Tesi di laurea Magistrale An improved cross-entropy method for the water pump scheduling optimization problem ZENG, FRANCESCO
2012-10-04 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Improved dynamic emulation modelling by time series clustering : the case study of Marina Reservoir, Singapore CAIETTI MARIN, STEFANIA
2019-04-16 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Improved energy-water modelling for hydropower capacity expansion planning under climate change : a case study in the Zambezi river basin PELOSI, MARIA GIULIA
2021-04-28 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Improving drought monitoring via machine learning : a new impact-based drought index Cananzi, Davide
2017-04-28 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Improving seasonal forecast of hydroclimatic variables through the state of large-scale climate signals SAMALE, CHIARA LUCIA
2016-09-29 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Index based analysis of climate change scenarios. Lake Como catchment case study SUI, XIN
2016-04-27 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Inferring and clustering residential water consumers' routines by eigenbehavior modeling MORO, ANDREARIVA, LUCA
2019-04-16 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Integrated infrastructural and financial options to manage weather risk in a multipurpose regulated lake TESINI, VANESSA
2024-07-16 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Joint management of habitat conservation and electricity generation in a small hydropower plant FERRARI, GABRIELE
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