BerlINRes comes to life thanks to the competition of ideas proposed by STARTforTalents entitled “Berlin: beyond the wall. A residence for artists in Friedrichshain “. The notice of competition, poor of information, has launched the gauntlet for the present work. The district of Kreuzberg - Friedrichshain, unified in the years following the fall of the Berlin Wall, has welcomed in recent decades the international art community. The ideals of freedom, fresh air that is breathed in Berlin after full years of deprivation, became a source of inspiration for artists from all over the world. In addition to that, the low cost of living in the Friedrichshain neighborhood, made this the world art stage. The increasingly high demand, has led in recent years to an increase in the cost of housing and consequently an artistic ferment gradually smaller. BerlINRes want to rediscover this special city, which many times in history has emerged from its ashes. He wants to allow artists to breathe the ideals of freedom, so torn by Berliners and achieved after many sacrifices. The remains of the Berlin Wall, the hundreds of construction sites scattered around the city for the reconstruction of the east, are the witnesses. The phenomena of Street Art, amateur performances along the streets, may be a source of inspiration for artists from all over the world. The largest concentration of museums, galleries, theaters and artists’ residences, make Berlin a springboard unmatched in the art world. BerlINRes artists want to return to that city, most of all, can take care of it. The particular building type necessitates preliminary detailed studies to really understand the “artist residency” phenomenon, the examples present in European territory and the actual needs of the artists themselves. The objectives and requirements will form the basis of architectural design. This must be able to integrate the artistic resources in the district of Kreuzberg, creating a relationship between the building and the population. Based on these objectives, they are derived several studies that involved both an overall assessment of the relationship between the space and the utilities flows, both a more detailed definition of the features that the same spaces were required to offer to better meet user requirements. The different analyzed elements must be brought into the system in order to define a building not only beautiful eyes, but also and above all functional. Essentially, it was the use of BIM in metologia preliminary design, using the Revit software, which allowed us to bring together all these elements into a single object of study. With the use of Revit have been carried out for the feedback of the fundamental architectural element definition, up to here only idealized. Preliminary tests have identified the critical issues of the project, giving us the opportunity to resolve them so as to gradually improve the residence in all its aspects. The preliminary issues have been discussed in detail by detail design. Following the definition of the technological aspects of the building, it proceeded to the sizing of structural and plant components through a detailed analysis and the use of dedicated software. The structural projects and plant engineering are related in the last chapter where large concrete plates are made active thermally improving users’ thermal comfort and reducing the energy required.
BerlINRes prende vita grazie al concorso di idee proposto da STARTforTalents dal titolo “Berlino: al di là del muro. Una residenza per artisti a Friedrichshain”. Il bando di concorso, povero di informazioni, ha lanciato il guanto di sfida per il presente lavoro di tesi. Il distretto di Kreuzberg - Friedrichshain, unificato negli anni successivi alla caduta del muro di Berlino, ha accolto negli ultimi decenni la comunità artistica internazionale. Gli ideali di libertà, la nuova aria che si respirava a Berlino dopo anni interi di privazione, divennero fonte di ispirazione per gli artisti di tutto il mondo. In aggiunta a ciò, il basso costo della vita nella zona di Friedrichshain, ha reso questo il palcoscenico mondiale dell’arte. La richiesta sempre più elevata, ha portato negli ultimi anni a un aumento del costo degli alloggi e di conseguenza un fermento artistico via via minore. BerlINRes vuole far riscoprire questa città speciale, che più volte nella storia è riemersa dalle sue ceneri. Vuole permettere agli artisti di respirare gli ideali di libertà, così combattuti dai berlinesi e ottenuti dopo non pochi sacrifici. I resti del muro di Berlino, le centinaia di cantieri sparsi per la città per la ricostruzione della parte est, ne sono i testimoni. I fenomeni di Street Art, gli spettacoli amatoriali lungo le vie, possono essere fonte di ispirazione per gli artisti di tutto il mondo. La grande concentrazione di musei, di gallerie, di teatri e di residenze per artisti, fanno di Berlino un trampolino di lancio senza eguali nel mondo dell’arte. BerlINRes vuole restituire gli artisti a quella città, che più di tutte, può prendersene cura. La particolare tipologia edilizia rende necessari studi preliminari approfonditi per comprendere realmente il fenomeno “residenza per artisti”, gli esempi presenti sul territorio europeo e le esigenze effettive degli artisti stessi. Gli obiettivi e le richieste saranno alla base della progettazione architettonica. Questa dovrà essere in grado di integrarsi alle risorse artistiche presenti nel quartiere di Kreuzberg, creando una relazione fra l’edificio e la popolazione. Partendo da questi obiettivi, sono derivati diversi studi che hanno riguardato sia una valutazione complessiva del rapporto fra gli spazi e i flussi di utenze, sia una definizione più dettagliata delle caratteristiche che gli spazi stessi dovevano offrire per meglio rispondere alle richieste dell’utenza. I diversi elementi analizzati devono essere messi a sistema al fine di definire un edificio non solo bello agli occhi, ma anche e soprattutto funzionale. Fondamentale è stato l’utilizzo della metologia BIM nella progettazione preliminare, mediante il software Revit, che ci ha permesso di riunire tutti questi elementi in un unico oggetto di studio. Con l’utilizzo di Revit sono state eseguite delle valutazioni fondamentali per la definizione dell’elemento architettonico, fino a qui soltanto idealizzato. Le verifiche preliminari hanno individuato le criticità del progetto, dandoci la possibilità di risolverle così da migliorare via via la residenza sotto tutti i suoi aspetti. Gli aspetti preliminari sono stati poi approfonditi attraverso la progettazione di dettaglio. A seguito della definizione degli aspetti tecnologici dell’edificio, si è poi proceduto al dimensionamento delle componenti strutturali e impiantistiche attraverso un’analisi di dettaglio e l’utilizzo di Software dedicati. I progetti strutturale e impiantistico si relazionano nell’ultimo capitolo in cui le grandi piastre in calcestruzzo vengono rese attive termicamente migliorando il comfort termico dell’utenza e riducendo l’energia necessaria.
BERLinRES : una residenza per artisti. Modellazione informativa per la definizione e la verifica della domanda
BerlINRes comes to life thanks to the competition of ideas proposed by STARTforTalents entitled “Berlin: beyond the wall. A residence for artists in Friedrichshain “. The notice of competition, poor of information, has launched the gauntlet for the present work. The district of Kreuzberg - Friedrichshain, unified in the years following the fall of the Berlin Wall, has welcomed in recent decades the international art community. The ideals of freedom, fresh air that is breathed in Berlin after full years of deprivation, became a source of inspiration for artists from all over the world. In addition to that, the low cost of living in the Friedrichshain neighborhood, made this the world art stage. The increasingly high demand, has led in recent years to an increase in the cost of housing and consequently an artistic ferment gradually smaller. BerlINRes want to rediscover this special city, which many times in history has emerged from its ashes. He wants to allow artists to breathe the ideals of freedom, so torn by Berliners and achieved after many sacrifices. The remains of the Berlin Wall, the hundreds of construction sites scattered around the city for the reconstruction of the east, are the witnesses. The phenomena of Street Art, amateur performances along the streets, may be a source of inspiration for artists from all over the world. The largest concentration of museums, galleries, theaters and artists’ residences, make Berlin a springboard unmatched in the art world. BerlINRes artists want to return to that city, most of all, can take care of it. The particular building type necessitates preliminary detailed studies to really understand the “artist residency” phenomenon, the examples present in European territory and the actual needs of the artists themselves. The objectives and requirements will form the basis of architectural design. This must be able to integrate the artistic resources in the district of Kreuzberg, creating a relationship between the building and the population. Based on these objectives, they are derived several studies that involved both an overall assessment of the relationship between the space and the utilities flows, both a more detailed definition of the features that the same spaces were required to offer to better meet user requirements. The different analyzed elements must be brought into the system in order to define a building not only beautiful eyes, but also and above all functional. Essentially, it was the use of BIM in metologia preliminary design, using the Revit software, which allowed us to bring together all these elements into a single object of study. With the use of Revit have been carried out for the feedback of the fundamental architectural element definition, up to here only idealized. Preliminary tests have identified the critical issues of the project, giving us the opportunity to resolve them so as to gradually improve the residence in all its aspects. The preliminary issues have been discussed in detail by detail design. Following the definition of the technological aspects of the building, it proceeded to the sizing of structural and plant components through a detailed analysis and the use of dedicated software. The structural projects and plant engineering are related in the last chapter where large concrete plates are made active thermally improving users’ thermal comfort and reducing the energy required.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 13/09/2017
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