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Mostrati risultati da 12 a 31 di 83
Fulltext Data Tipo Titolo Autore (i)
2012-04-23 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Charge transfer effects in Co-phthalocyanine single molecule magnets on graphene DELLEA, GRETA
2016-01-19 Tesi di Dottorato Collective excitations in high temperature superconducting cuprates studied by resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering DELLEA, GRETA
2016-04-27 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Complete mapping of magnon dispersion in antiferromagnetic layered cuprates using RIXS CONNI, MICHELE
2019-04-16 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Crystal field driven metamagnetic transitions in HoIr2Si2 analyzed by means of X-ray spectroscopy and full atomic multiplet calculations BONA, RICCARDO MARCO AUGUSTO
2014-04-29 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Crystallographic investigation of gold nanoparticles embedded in a SrTiO3 thin film for plasmonics applications. PINCINI, DAVIDE
2020-01-24 Tesi di Dottorato Cuprate high-Tc superconductors studied by polarization-resolved RIXS FUMAGALLI, ROBERTO
2021-07-23 Tesi di laurea Magistrale The D2 magnets for the LHC luminosity upgrade : from prototype to series construction Lonardo, Francesco
2011-10-04 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Design and development of a tomographic library with physical corrections for quantitative analysis VIGANO', NICOLA ROBERTO
2019-04-16 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Determination of electron phonon coupling from RIXS spectral intensity PAGETTI, MATTIA
2016-07-28 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Development of a GUI-based scientific software for the analysis of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering data acquired with 2D detectors TAMBORRINO, ANNALISA
2019-10-03 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Effects of spatial confinement on charge order in YBa2Cu3O7-x studied by resonant X-ray scattering MARTINELLI, LEONARDO
2017-07-27 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Effects of uniaxial strain on charge-ordered YBa2Cu3O6.7 investigated by Raman and X-ray scattering TORTORA, MICHELE
2020-06-06 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Electrical and spectroscopic characterization of polarization phenomena in CdTe X-ray detectors MARASCHI, MARCELLO
2015-04-29 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Electrochemical layer by layer growth of chalcogenide thin films on Ag(111) ZAMPIERI, FABIO
2015-09-30 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Electrochemistry of graphene supported Pt nanoparticles GRASSI, STEFANO
2017-04-28 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Expanding the accessible P/T domain of the Paris-Edinburgh Press : a versatile tool to study liquid network structures at extreme P/T conditions RIVA, ALBERTO FABRIZIO
2015-12-18 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Gafchromic film microdosimetry for microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) : comparison between a microdensitometer and an optical microscope PELLICIOLI, PAOLO
2019-10-03 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Growth dynamics of graphene on molten copper FAVA, SEBASTIAN
2017-12-21 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Image charge screening effect on EuO thin films MENEGHIN, FEDERICO
2018-04-19 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Implementation of a decoherer system at the ID17 beamline of the ESRF AMENDOLA, CATERINA
Mostrati risultati da 12 a 31 di 83
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