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Mostrati risultati da 1 a 17 di 17
Fulltext Data Tipo Titolo Autore (i)
2023-06-08 Tesi di Dottorato Charge Transport in Printable Carbon-Based Semiconductors: from sp2-conjugated materials to sp-carbon wires Pecorario, Stefano
2018-03-23 Tesi di Dottorato Edible and carbon-based functional materials for novel organic bioelectronic devices BONACCHINI, GIORGIO ERNESTO
2024-06-18 Tesi di Dottorato Electrolyte-gated transistors for future edible electronics applications Ferrarese, Fabrizio Mario
2019-03-20 Tesi di Dottorato Exploiting chemical doping for high performance organic electronic devices NAVA, DIEGO
2016-02-12 Tesi di Dottorato High performance printed organic and hybrid electronics through scalable techniques BUCELLA, SADIR GABRIELE
2016-12-15 Tesi di Dottorato High-frequency organic field-effect transistors by low-cost direct-writing and printing techniques PERINOT, ANDREA
2020-01-29 Tesi di Dottorato Investigation of charge transport phenomena in polymer monolayers -
2021-10-28 Tesi di Dottorato Investigation of charge transport properties in carbon-based transistors by charge modulation spectroscopy Jiang, Mengting
2022-11-01 Tesi di Dottorato Large arrays of water-gated thin film transistors for ultra-sensitive biosensing applications Modena, Francesco
2020-01-29 Tesi di Dottorato Low voltage printed organic electronics STUCCHI, ELENA
2016-02-12 Tesi di Dottorato Molecular and nanoscopic organic films for photodetection CARANZI, LORENZO
2024-09-11 Tesi di Dottorato Printed organic micro thermoelectric generators JAMES PATAKI, NATHAN
2019-03-20 Tesi di Dottorato Printed organic-thermoelectric micro-generators MASSETTI, MATTEO
2016-12-15 Tesi di Dottorato Solution processable carbon nanotubes in hybrid organic systems for electronic applications MAQUEIRA ALBO, ISIS
2023-06-09 Tesi di Dottorato Solution Processed Organic Field-Effect Transistors for High Frequency Printed Electronics Losi, Tommaso
2019-03-20 Tesi di Dottorato Solution processing of perovskite based optoelectronic devices PERINI, CARLO ANDREA RICCARDO
2023-06-09 Tesi di Dottorato Structure-property relationships in n-type doped semiconductors for thermoelectrics ROSSI, PIETRO
Mostrati risultati da 1 a 17 di 17
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