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Mostrati risultati da 1 a 20 di 249
Fulltext Data Tipo Titolo Autore (i)
2022-06-27 Tesi di Dottorato Active opto-magnetic biosensing system on chip Borga, Piero
2022-06-10 Tesi di Dottorato Advanced laser technologies for novel THz time domain spectroscopy Molteni, Lisa Marta
2014-12-18 Tesi di Dottorato Advanced optical spectroscopy techniques for the study of pigment materials CESARATTO, ANNA
2013-02-27 Tesi di Dottorato Advanced techniques for optical spectroscopy of diffusive media BARGIGIA, ILARIA
2020-03-20 Tesi di Dottorato Advances in broadband time-resolved spectroscopy of diffusive media - from physics to clinics LANKA, SRI RAMA PRANAV KUMAR
2021-02-23 Tesi di Dottorato Advances in coherent Raman scattering VALENSISE, CARLO MICHELE
2017-02-24 Tesi di Dottorato Anion intercalation in graphite: a combined electrochemical atomic force and scanning tunneling microscopy investigation YIVLIALIN, ROSSELLA
2023-03-23 Tesi di Dottorato Attosecond charge dynamics in Germanium Inzani, Giacomo
2014-12-18 Tesi di Dottorato Attosecond electron dynamics in complex molecular systems TRABATTONI, ANDREA
2014-02-26 Tesi di Dottorato Attosecond electron dynamics in dielectric nanoparticles ANUMULA, SUNILKUMAR
2024-03-11 Tesi di Dottorato Attosecond electron dynamics in monocrystalline diamond DOLSO, GIAN LUCA
2017-03-13 Tesi di Dottorato Attosecond multi-electron dynamics probed by high-order harmonic generation in bichromatic fields FACCIALÀ, DAVIDE
2020-03-26 Tesi di Dottorato Attosecond transient reflection for the study of electron dynamics in solids LUCARELLI, GIACINTO DAVIDE
2022-03-30 Tesi di Dottorato Attosecond transient reflection spectroscopy for ultrafast electron dynamics : experimental investigation and theoretical methods MOIO, BRUNO
2015-02-24 Tesi di Dottorato Auger electron microscopy for the characterization of 1D and 2D nanostructures VAHID DASTJERDI, MOHAMMAD JAVAD
2023-04-14 Tesi di Dottorato Axial coordination of metal tetraphenyl porphyrins for the realization of an in-vacuum supramolecular structure ALBANI, GUGLIELMO PIO CESARE BATTISTA
2024-02-20 Tesi di Dottorato Bismuth thin films on Vicinal Ge(111) substrates : a spin-resolved photoemission study Goto, Francesco
2024-05-31 Tesi di Dottorato Blended and hybrid teaching/learning : experiences and data analysis MAZZOLA, ROBERTO LUCA
2019-02-27 Tesi di Dottorato Broadband and ultrafast mid-IR lasers for high-precision molecular spectroscopy WANG, YUCHEN
2017-02-22 Tesi di Dottorato Broadband time-domain diffuse optics for clinical diagnostics, and diffuse Raman spectroscopy KONUGOLU VENKATA SEKAR, SANATHANA
Mostrati risultati da 1 a 20 di 249
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