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Mostrati risultati da 7 a 26 di 61
Fulltext Data Tipo Titolo Autore (i)
2012-10-05 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Corporate venture capital ed imprese ad alta tecnologia : rischi e opportunità nel contesto europeo PONCEMI, FEDERICO
2013-04-23 Tesi di laurea Magistrale DC d'internazionalizzazione in risposta alla crisi VENANZETTI, MICHELE
2013-04-23 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Le determinanti degli investimenti di corporate venture capital. Analisi delle caratteristiche degli investitori e delle imprese oggetto dell'investimento DALPRÀ, SUSANNABERTOZZI, ELEONORA
2020-12-15 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Determinants of target CEO retention in cross-border acquisitions of small high-tech firms : the role of cultural distance Frer, Luca
2015-04-29 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Do crowd-funded projects attract angels and venture capitalists ? I progetti di crowd-funding attirano i business angels e i venture capitalists ? NESPOLI, ANDREA
2017-12-21 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Does financialization affect organizational design ? A look at delegation and human capital OZDEMIR, CINLAPIPPO, BEATRICE
2022-12-20 Tesi di laurea Magistrale The effect of human capital and common ground on human capital investments OGNIBENE, FEDERICOAzzalini, Alice
2013-04-23 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Effects of venture capital investments on open source software firms MOSCHENI, MATTEO
2016-04-04 Tesi di Dottorato Essays on entrepreneurial finance: the role of corporate venture capital, independent venture capital, and crowfunding SHAFIZADEH KHOOLENJANI, MOHAMMADMEHDI
2023-05-04 Tesi di laurea Magistrale exploring post-acquisition innovation in smes: a focus on acquirer inventors Lattanzio, RuggeroVillani, Attilio
2012-04-24 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Financing patterns of high tech entrepreneurial firms : venture capital investments in open source software startups LIOTTA, GIOVANNI
2017-10-03 Tesi di laurea Magistrale How sustainability orientation impacts on crowdfunding success VOTTARI, SIMONETROFFA, MARTINA
2022-04-28 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Impact of homophily on venture capitalists' decision making. Evidence from Europe Sirbu, CalinTomba, Charlotte
2021-12-21 Tesi di laurea Magistrale The impact of target CEO retention on the innovation productivity of the target employees TRAVERSI, COSTANZATARANTOLA, CARLO
2015-07-28 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Impacts of family character on organizational design in Italian firms PERUGINI, NICOLÒ
2012-03-01 Tesi di Dottorato Innovation in investment management ABOAV, MARCO JEAN
2017-10-03 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Innovation in reward-based crowdfunding technological projects : an exploratory analysis MAHMOUD FADLELMULA ELKHIDIR, KHALIDMALAGOLI, DENIS
2013-04-23 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Intellectual property protection and openness to open source in hybrid software start-ups GIZZI, GIUSEPPE
2023-12-19 Tesi di laurea Magistrale International relocation of start-ups: an empirical analysis using the Cox survival model Gabrieli, Gabriele
2021-04-28 Tesi di laurea Magistrale Investors' decision criteria under limited information : a study on the role of entrepreneur's passion and human capital shown during the pitch Muzio, MatteoPintus, Giovanni
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