Sfoglia per Relatore
The impact of advanced technologies on facility management. The Philips case
2019/2020 Buddi, Gopichand
Impact of Covid 19 on facility management services. A case on Indian international airports
2020/2021 Rajesh Punjabi, Hetal
Impact of technology in the real estate sector. Analysis of blockchain and smart contracts implementation
2019/2020 Magnani, Stefano
Implementation of the integrated ecological footprint assessment
2021/2022 Basile, Alessio
The implications of COVID-19 on workplaces as an opportunity : Mondadori case study
2019/2020 Motter Caregnatto, Fernando
In search of an alternative workspace : disclosing academics' spatial practices and productivity within and beyond the campus
2022/2023 Migliore, Alessandra
In-use offices and ecological footprint : a calculation model to measure the effects of human occupation and behaviours on environmental sustainability
Informatizzare i processi : un metodo per l’archiviazione delle informazioni finalizzato ad una corretta gestione. Il caso di Carige Assicurazioni S.p.A.
2009/2010 GRISI, LUIGI
Integrated sustainable framework of planning and development for the transformation of villages in India to be self sufficient. A case study of Yanamadala village
Internet of Things for facility management services. An overview of the impact of IoT technologies on the FM services sector
Investment in real estate : how e-commerce changing logistics buildings
2017/2018 ORSI, GIORGIO
La Doppia valutazione ESG: esercizio teorico di identificazione di un rating ESG per la fase di compravendita degli asset immobiliari da riqualificare
2022/2023 Ricca, Elena
Lack of information for vacant housing stock estimates : a focus on public sector
Last mile logistic and real estate market
2020/2021 Ferrari, Giorgio
Living history: a multi-criteria approach to the evaluation of restoration works
2022/2023 Morganti, Irene
L’analisi dei bisogni della città per orientare gli interventi di riqualificazione. Caso studio : ex caserma Piazza San Paolo di Monza
Macroeconomic and property determinants of prime office rents in Europe : the study of seventeen cities
2019/2020 GRANDI, MATTEO
Main trends in the international Proptech market : proposal for a real estate tokenisation start-up
2017/2018 MAGNANI, MARCO
La massimizzazione della redditività e la gestione dell'incertezza per l'investitore immobiliare in fase decisionale
Il mercato immobiliare : dalla recente crisi alle nuove opportunità. Analisi e valutazioni su possibili investimenti nel settore
2012/2013 PONTE, ROBERTO
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